Path Issue With Pytest 'Importerror: No Module Named Yadayadayada'

PATH issue with pytest 'ImportError: No module named YadaYadaYada'

Yes, the source folder is not in Python's path if you cd to the tests directory.

You have 2 choices:

  1. Add the path manually to the test files, something like this:

    import sys, os
    myPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    sys.path.insert(0, myPath + '/../')
  2. Run the tests with the env var PYTHONPATH=../.

pytest cannot import module while python can

Found the answer:

DO NOT put a file in a folder containing TESTS if you plan on using pytest. I had one such file, deleting it solved the problem.

This was actually buried in the comments to the second answer of PATH issue with pytest 'ImportError: No module named YadaYadaYada' so I did not see it, hope it gets more visibility here.

How to solve ImportError with pytest

The self-named module testingonly and file name of may be causing some issues with the way the modules are imported.

Remove the from the tests directory. Ref this answer .

Try renaming to and then importing it into your project again.

In the, it should be:

from testingonly.mytest import Tester

And then for your test file

from testingonly.mytest import Tester

You're file should look like this:

import pytest
from testingonly.mytest import Tester # Import the Tester Class

def test_tester(capsys):
# Create the Tester Class
te = Tester()
# Get the captured output
captured = capsys.readouterr()
# Assert that the capture output is tested
assert captured.out == "Hello\n"

Finally, Run your tests with:

python -m pytest tests/

Here is a fully working example based off of your code:

Pytest No module named... issue

I was having the same issues with imports, the way i fixed it was setting all the imports so that the code runs. In order to run the tests instead of just calling pytest (this runs all tests from the folder where they are located, therefore there will be import error) it should be called from the root directory like this:

python3 -m pytest


python -m pytest

this way it runs all tests from the root directory, and it should not give import errors

pytest module import ImportError: No module named

you're running


you need to edit the path in to point to myapp (which contains

I tested this on my system (file

import sys,os
import myapplib

(getting full path of your python module, then using parent dir to add the python path to just the second level of myapp)

works on my dirtree configured like yours:


Advice: when fiddling with sys.path.append():

  • always use absolute paths, using __file__ to make sure that the current directory doesn't get in the way. never depend on the current directory, or this trick will only work when in a given directory.
  • debug: print the path you're adding to check if it's the proper one. Since it's absolute, you'll easily see if it's correct.

PATH issue with pytest 'ImportError: No module named YadaYadaYada'

Yes, the source folder is not in Python's path if you cd to the tests directory.

You have 2 choices:

  1. Add the path manually to the test files, something like this:

    import sys, os
    myPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    sys.path.insert(0, myPath + '/../')
  2. Run the tests with the env var PYTHONPATH=../.

ModuleNotFoundError with pytest

Solution: use the PYTHONPATH env. var


As mentioned by @J_H, you need to explicitly add the root directory of your project, since pytest only adds to sys.path directories where test files are (which is why @Mak2006's answer worked.)

Good practice: use a Makefile or some other automation tool

If you do not want to type that long command all the time, one option is to create a Makefile in your project's root dir with, e.g., the following:

.PHONY: test

Which allows you to simply run:

make test

Another common alternative is to use some standard testing tool, such as tox.

Py.test No module named *

So you are running py.test from /App. Are you sure /App/App is in your $PYTHONPATH?

If it's not, code that tries to import app will fail with such a message.

EDIT0: including the info from my comment below, for completeness.

An attempt to import app will only succeed if it was executed inside /App/App, which is not the case here. You probably want to make /App/App a package by putting inside it, and change your import to qualify app as from App import app.

EDIT1: by request, adding further explanation from my second comment below.

By putting inside /App/App, that directory becomes a package. Which means you can import from it, as long as it - the directory - is visible in the $PYTHONPATH. I.e. you can do from App import app if /App is in the $PYTHONPATH. Your current working directory gets automatically added to $PYTHONPATH, so when you run a script from /App, the import will work.

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