Pandas - Add New Column to Dataframe from Dictionary

pandas - add new column to dataframe from dictionary

Call map and pass the dict, this will perform a lookup and return the associated value for that key:

In [248]:

d = {112: 'en', 113: 'es', 114: 'es', 111: 'en'}
df['D'] = df['U'].map(d)
0 111 en en
1 112 en en
2 112 es en
3 113 es es
4 113 ja es
5 113 zh es
6 114 es es

Add a new column to pandas data frame from dictionary

Construct the Series first:

df["industry"] = pd.Series(d)

Note: This assumes that the dict keys are in the DataFrame index:

In [11]: df
KO 2144.499950
AAPL 5162.959824

In [12]: df["industry"] = pd.Series(d)

In [13]: df
2015-12-01 industry
KO 2144.499950 Consumer, Non-cyclical
AAPL 5162.959824 Technology

How to add a column with values of a dictionary in Python

Is this what you want?

df = df.set_index('id')
dictionary = {1:[5,8,6,3], 2:[1,2], 5:[8,6,2]}
df['new_column'] = pd.Series(dictionary)

Note: The keys of the dictionary need to be the same type (int) as the index of the data frame.

>>> print(df)
gender new_column
1 0 [5, 8, 6, 3]
2 0 [1, 2]
3 1 NaN
4 1 NaN
5 1 [8, 6, 2]


A better solution if 'id' column contains duplicates (see comments below):

df['new_column'] = df['id'].map(dictionary)

Pandas - Add Columns to a DataFrame Based in Dict from one of the Columns

You just need a slight change in your comprehension to extract that data.

It should be:

df_times["rodada"] = [d.get('rodada') for d in

You want the values of the dictionary key 'rodada' to be the basis of your new column. So you iterate over those dictionary entries in the loop- in other words, d, and then extract the value by key to make the new column.

map value of nested dictionary to new column in dataframe in python

Looks like a list comprehension with a double loop should do the job:

df['malicious'] = [d.get('malicious') for outer_d in df['dictionary'] for d in outer_d.values()]

or you can try the following code that creates a DataFrame out of the "dictionary" column and gets the value under the "malicious" key using str.get:

df['malicious'] = (pd.DataFrame(df['dictionary'].tolist()).set_axis([0]*len(df), axis=1)
.groupby(level=0, axis=1)


                                          dictionary  malicious
0 {' False
1 {'\__CONNECTIONPOOL_... False

create a dataframe from a dictionary using the keys as a new column?

Use list comprehension for list of dictionaries with concat helper dict for FRUIT column by keys of outer input dicts:

fruit_dict = {
"apple": [{
"price": 19,
"store": "xyz"
"price": 13,
"store": "abc"
"pear": [{
"price": 25,
"store": "xyz"

df = pd.DataFrame([{**{'FRUIT':k}, **x} for k, v in fruit_dict.items() for x in v])
print (df)
FRUIT price store
0 apple 19 xyz
1 apple 13 abc
2 pear 25 xyz

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