Find All Upper, Lower and Mixed Case Combinations of a String

Find all upper, lower and mixed case combinations of a string

import itertools

s = 'Fox'
map(''.join, itertools.product(*zip(s.upper(), s.lower())))
>>> ['FOX', 'FOx', 'FoX', 'Fox', 'fOX', 'fOx', 'foX', 'fox']

Find all upper, lower and mixed case combinations of a string that contains numeric and special chars

@Caius's answer works, but it's more efficient to remove the duplicate characters up front instead of waiting until you have all the results and then removing the duplicates there.

The difference in my code is just set((c.upper(), c.lower())) instead of just (c.upper(), c.lower()):

import itertools
string = ''
x = map(''.join, itertools.product(*(set((c.upper(), c.lower())) for c in string)))
assert len(list(x)) == 512

Find all lowercase and uppercase combinations of a string in Javascript

One option would be generating capitalization permutations via binary logic.

As a simple example of the snippet below, consider the following table where the left column is the binary representation of the current permutation and the right column is the resulting capitalization:

0000 | word
1000 | Word
0100 | wOrd
1100 | WOrd
1111 | WORD

// Used to display the results
const write = (msg) => {
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = msg;

const input = "word";
const letters = input.split("");
const permCount = 1 << input.length;

for (let perm = 0; perm < permCount; perm++) {
// Update the capitalization depending on the current permutation
letters.reduce((perm, letter, i) => {
letters[i] = (perm & 1) ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter.toLowerCase();
return perm >> 1;
}, perm);

const result = letters.join("");

How to generate all combinations of lower and upper characters in a word?

You can achieve this by zipping the upper and lower case letters and taking their cartesian product:

import itertools

chars = "abc"
results = list(map(''.join, itertools.product(*zip(chars.upper(), chars.lower()))))

>>>['ABC', 'ABc', 'AbC', 'Abc', 'aBC', 'aBc', 'abC', 'abc']

To visualise how this works:

  1. zip is creating our 3 'axes' for us, each with 2 points (the upper / lower cases)

    [('A', 'a'), ('B', 'b'), ('C', 'c')].
  2. product takes the cartesian product of these axes, i.e. the 8 possible coordinates corresponding to the corners of the unit cube it creates:

Sample ImageSample Image
1. Create axes2. Take Cartesian product

Find all upper,lower combinations of string in Python

There are a few ways of achieving that. Here they are:

1. Changing the case of the string you are searching into:




Here we're abusing of the immutability of the original strings, since they won't be changed although we apply .upper() to them, since we're not doing any assignment.

2. using the re module would also be helpful:

import re'all', line[0], re.IGNORECASE)


Find all upper/lower/mixed combinations of a string

You can use recursive generator. The first parameter contains left part of the string generated so far, and the second parameter is the remaining right part of the original string.

function combinations(s1, s2)
if s2:len() > 0 then
local c = s2:sub(1, 1)
local l = c:lower()
local u = c:upper()
if l == u then
combinations(s1 .. c, s2:sub(2))
combinations(s1 .. l, s2:sub(2))
combinations(s1 .. u, s2:sub(2))

So the function is called in this way.

combinations("", "ABC_-123")

You only have to store intermediate results instead of printing them.

PHP - all combination upper and lower case characters of string

A bit of a code dump with some comments thrown in for good measure. This was converted from the Java implementation -

November 2020 - This answer has was updated in 2 places. See the revision history for details.


function calculatePermutations($text) {

$permutations = array();
$chars = str_split($text);

// Count the number of possible permutations and loop over each group
for ($i = 0; $i < 2 ** strlen($text); $i++) {

// Loop over each letter [a,b,c] for each group and switch its case
for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($text); $j++) {

// isBitSet checks to see if this letter in this group has been checked before
// read more about it here:
$permutations[$i][] = (isBitSet($i, $j))
? strtoupper($chars[$j])
: $chars[$j];

return $permutations;

function isBitSet($n, $offset) {
return ($n >> $offset & 1) != 0;


Finding all possible case permutations in Python

def all_casings(input_string):
if not input_string:
yield ""
first = input_string[:1]
if first.lower() == first.upper():
for sub_casing in all_casings(input_string[1:]):
yield first + sub_casing
for sub_casing in all_casings(input_string[1:]):
yield first.lower() + sub_casing
yield first.upper() + sub_casing

>>> [x for x in all_casings("foo")]
['foo', 'Foo', 'fOo', 'FOo', 'foO', 'FoO', 'fOO', 'FOO']
>>> list(all_casings("foo"))
['foo', 'Foo', 'fOo', 'FOo', 'foO', 'FoO', 'fOO', 'FOO']

How to get every combination of a string?

You can use binary combinations 01110, 00011 etc. with itertools.product() to get every combination of cases with a string. This means setting the 1's as uppercase and the 0's as lowercase. So 01110 -> hOUSe, 00011 -> houSE etc.

from itertools import product

def get_all_cases(string):
return [
letter.upper() if binary == 1 else letter
for letter, binary in zip(string.lower(), binary_comb)
for binary_comb in product([0, 1], repeat=len(string))


>>> get_all_cases("House")
>>> ['house', 'housE', 'houSe', 'houSE', 'hoUse', 'hoUsE', 'hoUSe', 'hoUSE', 'hOuse', 'hOusE', 'hOuSe', 'hOuSE', 'hOUse', 'hOUsE', 'hOUSe', 'hOUSE', 'House', 'HousE', 'HouSe', 'HouSE', 'HoUse', 'HoUsE', 'HoUSe', 'HoUSE', 'HOuse', 'HOusE', 'HOuSe', 'HOuSE', 'HOUse', 'HOUsE', 'HOUSe', 'HOUSE']

You can also just map to True and False boolean values instead of 1 and 0.

from itertools import product

def get_all_cases(string):
return [
letter.upper() if is_upper else letter
for letter, is_upper in zip(string.lower(), comb)
for comb in product([False, True], repeat=len(string))

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