Opening Filenames with Colon (":") in Windows 7

How to get a file in Windows with a colon in the filename?

I found a very similar character to a colon, "꞉" it is a unicode character called a Modifier Letter Colon. This has no space like the fullwidth colon and is pretty much exactly the same as a regular colon but the symbol works. You can either copy and paste it from above or you can use the code point, U+A789

Make filename with colon (“:”) in Windows

Colon is not an allowed character in a filename in Windows. Or, more precisely, it is used to address an Alternate Data Stream of a file. So, asdf:qwer addresses the stream named qwer of the file named asdf.

This is very similar to the backslash. asdf\qwer is also not a valid filename, instead it addresses the file qwer of the folder asdf.

how do I clone files with colons in the filename

If you try doing:

touch "styles-ie (1:12:11 6:02 PM).css"

you will see that you cannot create it on Windows.

Basically, the repo has the file ( the blob and the tree entry ) but you cannot checkout on Windows as git would be unable to create such a file. No other way but to change the filename.

Colon in file names in Python

Windows NTFS supports file "stream". You basically append data to a file, outside of the file, and can't be viewed normally. When you created the file "word1:word2", the hidden stream "word2" is attached to "word1". If you copied the file word1 to another NTFS machine, the word2 data would come with you

Go here and download the streams program. Running it will show you that word2 is a stream attached to word1

This page also talks about streams:

To really prove this easily, you can use Notepad but you need to use the .txt extension:

file.write('Testing streams')

Now, using the cmd program, change directories to where you created the files. Type the following:

 c:\tmp> notepad word1.txt

You will see an empty file. Now, try this:

 c:\tmp> notepad word1.txt:word2.txt

You should see the text Testing streams.

Colon in a git file name. Windows developers alarm?

You could install some git hooks (doing appropriate checks), notably a git precommit hook (at least for Linux users), or a prepush hook.

Of course, that requires some cooperation (and convincing people to use it).

Is there a work around for : (colon) when downloading from ftp using windows


get remotefilename localfilename

is apparently valid, so placing a valid windows filename as a second argument should d/l to the file specified.

[Addendum - also untried]

(after Echo lcd folder>>first.dat)

echo mls remotefilesrequired awindowlistfilename>>first.dat
rem this should log in and create awindowslistfilename
rem containing the remote filelist
ftp -v -i -s:first.dat
del second.dat 2>nul
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in (awindowslistfilename) do (
set "remote=%%a"
echo get !remote! !remote::=.!>>second.dat
Echo bye>>second.dat
ftp -v -i -s:second.dat
del first.dat
del second.dat

Since I'm not aware of the return format for mls, I'm assuming that it's a simple file-list, one to a line.

This code first executes the ftp log-on palaver and an mls command, creating awindowslistfile locally.

It then deletes second.dat (the 2>nul suppresses error messages like file not found appearing on stderr)

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion and endlocal bracket a mode where the syntax changes such that !var! may be used to access the run-time value of a variable, whereas %var% always refers to the parse-time value.

The for/f command reads the filename (parenthesised) and assigns each line in turn to the metavariable %%a. The delims= option ensures that the entire line is assigned, ignoring the normal tokenising procedure.

A series of individual get commands is then written to second.dat, with the substitution of : by . in the name.

Finally, add the bye and FTP again.

(I'm not sure whether first.dat will also require a bye and second.bat will need to prelimnary commands, but could be...)

Note that it's batch convention to enclose filenames that may contain separators like Space,; in "quotes". How FTP will feel about that, if necessary, I can only guess.

Naturally, extra lines within the loop

 set "remote=!remote:x=y!"

could be used to serially replace character sequences x by y if there are any other problematic characters encountered.

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