Numpy: How to Pick Rows from Two 2D Arrays Based on Conditions in 1D Arrays

Select rows based on a condition in numpy/python

Try using np.where combined with np.sum:

import numpy as np

a = np.random.randn(4, 4)
indices = np.where(np.sum(a, axis=1) > 0)
print(a[indices]) # rows with sum > 0

Python numpy filter two-dimensional array by condition

You can use a bool index array that you can produce using np.in1d.

You can index a np.ndarray along any axis you want using for example an array of bools indicating whether an element should be included. Since you want to index along axis=0, meaning you want to choose from the outest index, you need to have 1D np.array whose length is the number of rows. Each of its elements will indicate whether the row should be included.

A fast way to get this is to use np.in1d on the second column of a. You get all elements of that column by a[:, 1]. Now you have a 1D np.array whose elements should be checked against your filter. Thats what np.in1d is for.

So the complete code would look like:

import numpy as np

a = np.asarray([[2,'a'],[3,'b'],[4,'c'],[5,'d']])
filter = np.asarray(['a','c'])
a[np.in1d(a[:, 1], filter)]

or in a longer form:

import numpy as np

a = np.asarray([[2,'a'],[3,'b'],[4,'c'],[5,'d']])
filter = np.asarray(['a','c'])
mask = np.in1d(a[:, 1], filter)

Subsetting 2D array based on condition in numpy python

You can use np.where to preserve the shape:

np.where(arr_b > 0.0, arr_a, np.nan)

It will take the corresponding values from arr_a when arr_b's value is greater than 0, otherwise it will use np.nan.

import numpy as np
N = 5
arr_a = np.random.randn(N,N)
arr_b = np.random.randn(N,N)
np.where(arr_b > 0.0, arr_a, np.nan)

array([[ 0.5743081 , nan, -1.69559034, nan, 0.4987268 ],
[ 0.33038264, nan, -0.27151598, nan, -0.73145628],
[ nan, 0.46741932, 0.61225086, nan, 1.08327459],
[ nan, -1.20244926, 1.5834266 , -0.04675223, -1.14904974],
[ nan, 1.20307104, -0.86777899, nan, nan]])

how to slice 2D numpy array based on 2 1D arrays containing initial and final indexes

You can use numpy.split with flattened data (using numpy.ndarray.flatten) and modifying the slices:

sections = np.column_stack([initial, final]).flatten()

sections[::2] += np.arange(len(initial)) * data.shape[1]
sections[1::2] += sections[::2] - np.array(initial)

np.split(data.flatten(), sections)[1::2]

finding array rows that satisfy conditions on two column values

You could use vector algebraic operations. I am not sure if it simplifies but it is funky though.

arr[[...,1:3] < k, axis=1) +[...,1:3] > k, axis=1) > 0,:]

The logic behind is to check both columns if they are lower (or bigger) than k and multiply the results which corresponds to an and and then add up the resulting vectors and check if they are bigger than 1 which should correspond to the or.

Conditional maths operation on 2D numpy array checking on one dimension and doing different operations on diff dimensions

I would calculate a mask, or boolean index, and use if for each column:

Construct a sample array:


I = pantilt[:,0]>90
# J = pantilt[:,0]<-90
pantilt[I,0] -= 180
pantilt[I,1] *= -1

I = pantilt[:,0]<-90 # could use J instead
pantilt[I,0] += 180
pantilt[I,1] *= -1


array([[-180.,    0.],
[-144., 9.],
[-108., 18.],
[ -72., 27.],
[ -36., 36.],
[ 0., 45.],
[ 36., 54.],
[ 72., 63.],
[ 108., 72.],
[ 144., 81.],
[ 180., 90.]])


array([[  0.,  -0.],
[ 36., -9.],
[ 72., -18.],
[-72., 27.],
[-36., 36.],
[ 0., 45.],
[ 36., 54.],
[ 72., 63.],
[-72., -72.],
[-36., -81.],
[ 0., -90.]])

This would work just as well if the columns were separate 1d arrays.

How to numpy-ify a two dimensional conditional lookup?

You can use a boolean mask for indexing the Sx and prepped_array and then use two index arrays, derived from the prepped_array, to index into the M array. The code might speak clearer than the previous sentence:

mask = prepped_array[:, :, 0] != -1
Sx[mask] = M[tuple(prepped_array[mask].T)]

Let's look at the involved steps:

  • mask = prepped_array[:, :, 0] != -1 creates a 2D boolean array indicating where the condition is met.
  • prepped_array[mask] creates a 2D array where entries from the previous 3rd dimensions appear now along the 2nd dimension; the first dimensions corresponds to each True instance in mask.
  • tuple(prepped_array[mask].T) creates two 1D arrays which can be used to further index into other arrays: the first array denotes row indices and the second array denotes column indices.
  • So Sx[mask] = M[tuple(prepped_array[mask].T)] maps the indices contained in prepped_array to the array M using the previous two 1D index arrays.
  • Sx[mask] finally references those elements in Sx that for which the condition in prepped_array[:, :, 0] is met.

Filter a 2D numpy array

You should perform the condition only over the first column:

x_displayed = xy_dat[((xy_dat[:,0] > min) & (xy_dat[:,0] < max))]

What we do here is constructing a view where we only take into account the first column with xy_dat[:,0]. By now checking if this 1d is between bounds, we construct a 1D boolean array of the rows we should retain, and now we make a selection of these rows by using it as item in the xy_dat[..] parameter.

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