Nested F-Strings

Nested f-strings

I don't think formatted string literals allowing nesting (by nesting, I take it to mean f'{f".."}') is a result of careful consideration of possible use cases, I'm more convinced it's just allowed in order for them to conform with their specification.

The specification states that they support full Python expressions* inside brackets. It's also stated that a formatted string literal is really just an expression that is evaluated at run-time (See here, and here). As a result, it only makes sense to allow a formatted string literal as the expression inside another formatted string literal, forbidding it would negate the full support for Python expressions.

The fact that you can't find use cases mentioned in the docs (and only find test cases in the test suite) is because this is probably a nice (side) effect of the implementation and not it's motivating use-case.

Actually, with two exceptions: An empty expression is not allowed, and a lambda expression must be surrounded by explicit parentheses.

Nested f-strings?

Without context, this seems like an XY problem. You should probably use a dict or list instead of variables, based on How do I create variable variables? For example,


>>> i, j = 1, 2
>>> a = {1: 1, 2: 2}
>>> f"{a[i]} + {a[j]} = 3"
'1 + 2 = 3'


>>> i, j = 0, 1  # list indexing starts at 0
>>> a = [1, 2]
>>> f"{a[i]} + {a[j]} = 3"
'1 + 2 = 3'

Nested f-strings in Python (Third nested f-string)

Quick fix

You were on the right track, using the new_line variable together with str.join(). To maintain the number of spaces, just include them in new_line:

new_line = '            \n'

Further thinking

You may want to start using a templating engine, like Jinja.


  • You don't need to concern yourself with (nested) f-strings
  • The template string looks like your desired output (kinda WYSIWYG)
  • Whitespace control is easy


  • You'll probably have to spend some time learning how to use the templating engine

Your example, implemented with Jinja

To run the following code, you need to install the jinja2 package

import jinja2

user_dicts = { 'users': [ {'name': 'test1', 'pass': 'password1', 'permissions': [ {'access': 'yes', 'role': 'admin'}, {'access': 'yes', 'role': 'user'} ] }, {'name': 'test2', 'pass': 'password2', 'permissions': [ {'access': 'yes', 'role': 'admin'} ] } ] }

template_str = """
users = [
{% for user in users %}
name = "{{ user['name'] }}",
pass = "{{ user['pass'] }}",
permissions = [
{% for p in user['permissions'] %}
{ access = "{{ p['access'] }}", role = "{{ p['role'] }}" },
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


template = jinja2.Template(template_str, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
users = template.render(user_dicts).replace("'", '"')

The template string template_str is basically your desired output, plus some special tokens ({% for ... %}, {% endfor %}, {{ ... }}). These tokens tell the engine how to "fill in the blanks".

How to fix SyntaxError: f-string: expressions nested too deeply in python 3.7.0?

You could use multi-line strings f"""This will work as expected with other nested strings '{3+5}'"""

Python 3 Nesting String format

Your "nested" format string needs to be formatted twice. Any curly braces you want to keep for the second time needs to be escaped in the first, thus { becomes {{ and } becomes }}. Also, since you can't use the f prefix twice, You can explicitly call format for the second formatting.

What you're looking for is this:

for i in range(1, size + 1):
line = f"{i}" * i

So first string formatting turns f"{{0:>{size}}}" into {0:>3}, thus when reaching the explicit calling of format you basically get print("{0:>3}".format(line)).

Getting Error in python SyntaxError: f-string: expressions nested too deeply

I believe just just need to escape the curly brackets to make this work:

f'{{"requests":[{{"indexName":"New_Telemart","params":"query=Mobiles&maxValuesPerFacet=10&page="{i}"&highlightPreTag=__ais-highlight__&highlightPostTag=__%2Fais-highlight__&facets=%5B%22brand_name%22%2C%22categories%22%2C%22sale_price%22%2C%22total_rating_average%22%2C%22express_delivery%22%5D&tagFilters=&facetFilters=%5B%5B%22categories%3ASmartphones%22%2C%22categories%3AMobile%20%26%20Tablets%22%5D%5D"}},  {{"indexName":"New_Telemart","params":"query=Mobiles&maxValuesPerFacet=10&page=0&highlightPreTag=__ais-highlight__&highlightPostTag=__%2Fais-highlight__&hitsPerPage=1&attributesToRetrieve=%5B%5D&attributesToHighlight=%5B%5D&attributesToSnippet=%5B%5D&tagFilters=&analytics=false&clickAnalytics=false&facets=categories"}}]}}'

You can read the f-string documentation for more information

Nesting / escaping a f-string = (equal sign) expression

As said in the What's New In Python 3.8 document:

Added an = specifier to f-strings. An f-string such as f'{expr=}' will
expand to the text of the expression, an equal sign, then the
representation of the evaluated expression.

So no, you can't do it that way(one shot) because the left side of = will become a string. Use traditional f-string interpolation:

print(f'double({some_int}) = {double(some_int)}')


double(2) = 4

How can I dynamically pad a number in python f-strings?

Nested f-string:

>>> pad = 4
>>> i = 1
>>> f"foo-{i:>0{pad}}"

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