Listing Available Com Ports with Python

Pyserial in Python(List out available comports without for loop)

You can iterate through the list and get the names:


ports =

print([ for port in ports])

How can I get a list of available serial ports using '' python module?

According to the documentation you've linked,

The function returns a list of ListPortInfo objects.

They have several attributes which you can use, for example device:

Full device name/path, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0

In order to emulate the command python3 -m, you could do:


ports =
for p in ports:
print(len(ports), 'ports found')

Which is a simplified version of what it actually does.

Listing serial (COM) ports on Windows?

Several options are available:

  1. Call QueryDosDevice with a NULL lpDeviceName to list all DOS devices. Then use CreateFile and GetCommConfig with each device name in turn to figure out whether it's a serial port.

  2. Call SetupDiGetClassDevs with a ClassGuid of GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT.

  3. WMI is also available to C/C++ programs.

There's some conversation on the win32 newsgroup and a CodeProject, er, project.

Use pySerial to list open serial ports *from python script*, not from the command line

I don't know if I can explain it, but sometimes Python is fussy about dotted imports. Also to get an iterable within a script, you can use comports()

Python 3.8.2 (tags/v3.8.2:7b3ab59, Feb 25 2020, 23:03:10) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import
>>> for port in
... print(f'Current port: {port}')
Current port: COM1 - Communications Port (COM1)

The module is documented here.

Need help listing the devices on COMM Ports in Python

Your result shows that is a list so you can use for-loop to format it or run some functions with every element separatelly.

for item in
print( item )

Using dir(item) you can see all methods and properties avaliable in this object.

Using help(item) you should see documentation which is inside source code.

If you will know methods then you can use them

for item in
print("Device:", item.device)
print("Description:", item.desctiption)

EDIT: base on documentation for ListPortInfo you should have

for item in
print( )
print( item.description )
print( item.hwid )
print( item.vid )
print( )
print( item.serial_number )
print( item.location )
print( item.manufacturer )
print( item.product )
print( item.interface )

pySerial running command to list ports

You need to import it first:

from import list_ports
list_ports.main() # Same result as python -m

You can check out the source here

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