JSON.Dumps VS Flask.JSONify

json.dumps vs flask.jsonify

The jsonify() function in flask returns a flask.Response() object that already has the appropriate content-type header 'application/json' for use with json responses. Whereas, the json.dumps() method will just return an encoded string, which would require manually adding the MIME type header.

See more about the jsonify() function here for full reference.

Also, I've noticed that jsonify() handles kwargs or dictionaries, while json.dumps() additionally supports lists and others.

How to correctly use Flask's jsonify() to return json?

You can use json.dumps like so:

def home():
return render_template(
title='Home Page',
result=json.dumps({"a":[{"o":1},{"o":2}]}, sort_keys = False, indent = 2)

and just format it in the template like so:

{% if result %}
<pre>{{ result }}</pre>
{% endif %}

If this fits to your expectations. I think that jsonify is used to provide http.response data, not context data for templates.

Have a look here for jsonify: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13172658/1307985

Pretty Display JSON data from with Flask

Use json.dumps

response = json.dumps(response.text, sort_keys = False, indent = 2)

or to make it prettier

response = json.dumps(response.text, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, separators = (',', ': '))


<div class="results">
<pre>{{ response }}</pre>

The jsonify() function in flask returns flask.Response() object that already has the appropriate content-type header 'application/json' for use with json responses, whereas the json.dumps() will just return an encoded string, which would require manually adding the mime type header.

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13172658/264802

Why is flask's jsonify method slow?

My guess is: it has a lot to do with indentation and making a pretty json dump. Here's the method definition (I stripped the comments to save space, full code can be found here) :

def jsonify(*args, **kwargs):
indent = None
separators = (',', ':')

if current_app.config['JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR'] and not request.is_xhr:
indent = 2
separators = (', ', ': ')

if args and kwargs:
raise TypeError('jsonify() behavior undefined when passed both args and kwargs')
elif len(args) == 1: # single args are passed directly to dumps()
data = args[0]
data = args or kwargs

return current_app.response_class(
(dumps(data, indent=indent, separators=separators), '\n'),

dumps wraps simplejson.dumps if the module is available, otherwise it uses json.dumps.

Get Python Flask to return application/json using json.dumps

Change it like this:

from flask import Response

def route1(arg1):
dict1 = {"prop1": "p1", "prop2": "p2"}
return Response(json.dumps(dict1), mimetype='application/json')

how to keep order of sorted dictionary passed to jsonify() function?

Add this config line to your code after the app definition:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['JSON_SORT_KEYS'] = False

Sending JSON and status code with a Flask response

Use flask.jsonify(). This method takes any serializable data type. For example I have used a dictionary data in the following example.

from flask import jsonify

@app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
data = {'name': 'nabin khadka'}
return jsonify(data)

To return a status code, return a tuple of the response and code:

return jsonify(data), 200

Note that 200 is the default status code, so it's not necessary to specify that code.


As of Flask 1.1, the return statement will automatically jsonify a dictionary in the first return value. You can return the data directly:

return data

You can also return it with a status code:

return data, 200

Minified JSON in flask's jsonify()

Simply set the configuration key JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR to False - Flask pretty-prints JSON unless it is requested by an AJAX request (by default).

Flask jsonify returns bytes and string instead of json object

Hey you can solve this issue with the json library.


import json

def post_new_cafe():
new_cafe = Cafe(
return json.dumps({"success": "Succesfully added the new cafe."})

response = post_new_cafe()
data = json.loads(response)

For more information look at the Documentation about JSON

If you need to serialize a numpy array, there is a question on how to serialize a numpy array as JSON

Regarding your other issue:

@app.route('/add_form', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def add_new_cafe_form():
form = CafeForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
response = post_new_cafe()
return render_template("add.html", form=form)

You need to convert the response from binary to string first: response.decode('utf-8') and then parse it as JSON: json.loads(response.decode('utf-8'))

How do I convert a JSON Response object (jsonify from flask) to a dictionary to process

Just solved it!

using json.loads(json.dumps(response) This dumps the request as a string and then converts into the required json object!

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