Returning the Product of a List

Returning the product of a list

Without using lambda:

from operator import mul
# from functools import reduce # python3 compatibility
reduce(mul, list, 1)

it is better and faster. With python 2.7.5

from operator import mul
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
# from functools import reduce # python3 compatibility

a = range(1, 101)
%timeit reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, a) # (1)
%timeit reduce(mul, a) # (2)
%timeit # (3)
%timeit ne.evaluate("prod(a)") # (4)

In the following configuration:

a = range(1, 101)  # A
a = np.array(a) # B
a = np.arange(1, 1e4, dtype=int) #C
a = np.arange(1, 1e5, dtype=float) #D

Results with python 2.7.5

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A 20.8 µs 13.3 µs 22.6 µs 39.6 µs
B 106 µs 95.3 µs 5.92 µs 26.1 µs
C 4.34 ms 3.51 ms 16.7 µs 38.9 µs
D 46.6 ms 38.5 ms 180 µs 216 µs

Result: is the fastest one, if you use np.array as data structure (18x for small array, 250x for large array)

with python 3.3.2:

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
A 23.6 µs 12.3 µs 68.6 µs 84.9 µs
B 133 µs 107 µs 7.42 µs 27.5 µs
C 4.79 ms 3.74 ms 18.6 µs 40.9 µs
D 48.4 ms 36.8 ms 187 µs 214 µs

Is python 3 slower?

Multiply items in list

Or something similar with one of the answer which first flattned the nested list using the flatten and using numpy prod to calculate the cross multiplication.

import numpy  as np
def flatten(li):
for item in li:
yield from flatten(item)
except TypeError:
yield li

li = [6,[1, 2, 3]]
list1 = [fi for fi in flatten(li)]

result1 =

Initially, the OP accept the suggestion per the code below

Extract the nested list

num, val_list = [6 , [1, 2, 3]]

multiply and add all the value in the list

expected_output=sum([value * num for value in val_list])

As a function:

def grow(arr):
num, val_list = arr
return sum([value * num for value in val_list])

my_arr= [6 , [1, 2, 3]]

max possible product of a list with any elements

Post request corner cases where the posted code doesn't work.

Code provides incorrect answers for single negative numbers.


# Output: 1

The answer should be 0

Simple fix would be to add condition:

if xs == [0]:
return 0

Simpler Code

from math import prod

def max_prod(xs):
pos = [i for i in xs if i > 0]
neg = [i for i in xs if i < 0]

if len(neg) % 2:

if len(pos) > 0 or len(neg) > 0:
return str(prod(pos) * prod(neg))

return "0"


for xs in [[], [0], [2], [-2], [2, 3], [0, 2, 3], 
[-2, -3], [-2, -3, -4], [2, 0, -2, -3],
[2, 0, -2, -3, -1]]:
print(f'{xs} max-> {max_prod(xs)}')


[] max-> 0
[0] max-> 0
[2] max-> 2
[-2] max-> 0
[2, 3] max-> 6
[0, 2, 3] max-> 6
[-2, -3] max-> 6
[-2, -3, -4] max-> 12
[2, 0, -2, -3] max-> 12
[2, 0, -2, -3, -1] max-> 12

Product of a list python

Using reduce(f, iterable[, initializer]):

>>> from operator import mul
>>> reduce(mul, [1, 2, 3], 1)

reduce() abstracts over the following pattern:
a ⊗ b ⊗ c ⊗ d ⊗ e ... where is a binary (left associative) operator, i.e. a function accepting two parameters.

Returning items in a list

You are losing the information about insertion order because you are using Unordered collection Set. Insertion order is preserved in data structures like LinkedList (and its set variant LinkedHashSet or its map variant LinkedHashMap).

The advantage of using a LinkedHashSet or LinkedHashMap over LinkedList is that while insertion, when check is performed for duplicate, in LinkedHashSet or LinkedHashMap it is O(1) where as for LinkedList it is O(n).

You can achieve same thing using Java 8 stream.distinct() also.

Here are few options:

public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {

List myList = Arrays.asList("red", "yellow", "green", "yellow", "blue", "green", "purple");



public static List<String> distinctValuesUsingStreamDistinct(List<String> stringList) {

public static List<String> distinctValuesUsingLinkedHashSet(List<String> stringList) {
LinkedHashSet<String> setSortedByInsertionOrder = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
stringList.forEach(str -> setSortedByInsertionOrder.add(str));
return new ArrayList<>(setSortedByInsertionOrder);

python multiply all elements except ith element in list and return list

A simple solution using two for loops:

for i in range(len(l)):
for j in range(len(l)):
if(j!=i): #Iterate through list once more and compare the indices

Output is: [24, 12, 8, 6]

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