Is There Any Other Way to Load a Resource Like an Image, Sound, or Font into Pygame

Is there any other way to load a resource like an image, sound, or font into Pygame?

Place the image file in the same directory as the Python file. Change the current working directory to the directory of the file.

The name and path of the file can be get by __file__. The current working directory can be get by os.getcwd() and can be changed by os.chdir(path):

import os

sourceFileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

Now you can use a relative path to load the file:

player = pygame.image.load("player.png")

How can i load an image with pygame without defining the path

Is the image in the same directory as your script? The only way it can load the image without a path is if it's in the same directory.

How can i achieve the specific directory of a file in Python?

One way to achieve this is to make all paths relative to the position of the script file itself.

You can get the path to the directory of the script by:

import os
SCRIPT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

Then, you can define all paths relative to SCRIPT_DIRECTORY . For example:

BACKGROUND_PICTURE_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY , "background.png")

This path is now no longer dependent on where the script was run from, but where the script file itself is located. This means it will be the same path whether or not you're in an IDE.

Image not loading from file within same directory, Pygame, python

It is not enough to put the files in the same directory or sub directory. You also need to set the working directory.
The resource (image, font, sound, etc.) file path has to be relative to the current working directory. The working directory is possibly different from the directory of the python script.

Put the following at the beginning of your code to set the working directory to the same as the script's directory:

import os

See __file__ and os.chdir()

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