How to Use C Code in Python

Can we use C code in Python?

I want to invoke those C function or executables in python. Is that possible.

Yes, you can write C code that can be imported into Python as a module. Python calls these extension modules. You can invoke it from Python directly, an example from the documentation:

Python Code

import example
result = example.do_something()

C Code

static PyObject * example(PyObject *self)
// do something
return Py_BuildValue("i", result);

If I want the C code to be a library, which means I use it with #include and linkage of the *.o likely in python, how to do it or is that possible.

You build it as a shared library *.dll or *.so
You can also investigate using distutils to distribute your module.

If I write the C code into executable, which means it becomes a command, can I invoke it in python directly?

If you write a *.exe then you are doing the opposite (invoking Python from C). The method you choose (exe vs shared library) depends on if you want a "C program with some Python" or a "Python program with some C".

Also, I heard that python code can be compiled, does that mean we can execute the code without the source file? Are the output files binary files? Does it improve performance?

Python reads *.py files and compiles to *.pyc bytecode files when you run it. The bytecode is then run in the Python virtual machine. This means "executing the same file is faster the second time as recompilation from source to bytecode can be avoided." (from the Python glossary) So if you haven't edited your *.py files, it will run the *.pyc. You can distribute *.pyc files without *.py files, however they are not encrypted and can be reverse-engineered.

How do you call Python code from C code?

I recommend the approaches detailed here. It starts by explaining how to execute strings of Python code, then from there details how to set up a Python environment to interact with your C program, call Python functions from your C code, manipulate Python objects from your C code, etc.

EDIT: If you really want to go the route of IPC, then you'll want to use the struct module or better yet, protlib. Most communication between a Python and C process revolves around passing structs back and forth, either over a socket or through shared memory.

I recommend creating a Command struct with fields and codes to represent commands and their arguments. I can't give much more specific advice without knowing more about what you want to accomplish, but in general I recommend the protlib library, since it's what I use to communicate between C and Python programs (disclaimer: I am the author of protlib).

Executing a C program in python?

There is no such thing as a C script. If you meant a C program you need to compile spa.c and spa.h into an executable before running it.

If you use GCC in Linux or Mac OS X:

$ gcc -Wall spa.c -o spa

Will get you an executable named spa.

After that, you can run spa program from your Python script with:

from subprocess import call
call(["./spa", "args", "to", "spa"])

How does Python call C?

cPython has two main ways to call C code: either by loading a shared library and calling its symbols, or by packing C code as Python binary modules and then calling them from Python code as though they were ordinary Python modules, which is how high performance stuff in the standard library is implemented - e.g. json.

Loading a shared library and calling functions from it using the ctypes module is rather trivial, and you can find a lot of examples here:

Packing your C code as binary Python module requires a lot of boilerplate and careful attention to details such as ref counting, null pointers, etc, and is documented here:

There are several libraries that automate the process and generate binding code for you. One example is boost.python:

How do I connect a Python and a C program?

Use a pipe and popen

The easiest way to deal with this is probably to just use popen(3). The popen function is available in both Python and C and will connect a program of either language with the other using a pipe.

>>> import subprocess
>>> print args
['/bin/vikings', '-input', 'eggs.txt', '-output', 'spam spam.txt', '-cmd', "echo '$MONEY'"]
>>> p = subprocess.Popen(args)

Once you have the pipe, you should probably send yaml or json through it, though I've never tried to read either in C. If it's really a simple stream, just parse it yourself. If you like XML, I suppose that's available as well.

how to embed C code in python program?

Please check out Cython. It makes it very easy to wrap C code.

This is adapted from the documentation on calling external C functions:

cdef extern from "math.h":
double sin(double)

def pysin(x):
return sin(x)

You could then call pysin from the compiled module like a normal Python module.

How to call the C code in Python to make an interaction b/w two languages?

you have to compile your c code as a shared library and you'll be able to call functions using python's ctypes API. here is a simple example on how to do it.


__declspec(dllexport) int add(int a, int b);

int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;

compile (using msvc here)

cl /LD lib.c

from ctypes import *
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('lib.dll')
print(lib.add(1, 2)) ## this will print 3

for more see :

How can I use a DLL file from Python?

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