How to Remove Nan Value While Combining Two Column in Panda Data Frame

How to remove nan value while combining two column in Panda Data frame?

You can use combine_first or fillna:

print df['feedback_id'].combine_first(df['_id'])
0 568a8c25cac4991645c287ac
1 568df45b177e30c6487d3603
2 568df434832b090048f34974
3 568cd22e9e82dfc166d7dff1
4 568df3f0832b090048f34711
5 568e5a38b4a797c664143dda
Name: feedback_id, dtype: object

print df['feedback_id'].fillna(df['_id'])
0 568a8c25cac4991645c287ac
1 568df45b177e30c6487d3603
2 568df434832b090048f34974
3 568cd22e9e82dfc166d7dff1
4 568df3f0832b090048f34711
5 568e5a38b4a797c664143dda
Name: feedback_id, dtype: object

Combine multiple columns in Pandas excluding NaNs

You can apply ",".join() on each row by passing axis=1 to the apply method. You first need to drop the NaNs though. Otherwise you will get a TypeError.

df.apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.dropna()), axis=1)
0 a,d,f
1 e
2 c,b,g
dtype: object

You can assign this back to the original DataFrame with

df["keywords_all"] = df.apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.dropna()), axis=1)

Or if you want to specify columns as you did in the question:

cols = ['keywords_0', 'keywords_1', 'keywords_2', 'keywords_3']
df["keywords_all"] = df[cols].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.dropna()), axis=1)

pandas combine two columns with null values

Use fillna on one column with the fill values being the other column:


The resulting output:

0      apple-martini
1 apple-pie
2 strawberry-tart
3 dessert
4 None

Concatenate two columns in pandas with NaN

Idea is add _ to second column with _, so after replace missing value by empty string is not added _ for missing values:

df['colC'] = df['colA'] + ('_' + df['colB']).fillna('')
print (df)
ID colA colB colC
0 ID1 A D A_D
1 ID2 B NaN B
2 ID3 C E C_E

If not sure where are missing values (in colA or colB):

df['colC'] = (df['colA'].fillna('') + '_' + df['colB'].fillna('')).str.strip('_')

Also is possible test each column separately:

m1 = df['colA'].isna()
m2 = df['colB'].isna()

df['colC'] =[m1, m2, m1 & m2],
[df['colB'], df['colA'], np.nan],
default=df['colA'] + '_' + df['colB'])
print (df)

ID colA colB colC
0 ID1 A D A_D
1 ID2 B NaN B
2 ID3 NaN E E
3 ID4 NaN NaN NaN

Python - Drop row if two columns are NaN

Any one of the following two:

df.dropna(subset=[1, 2], how='all')


df.dropna(subset=[1, 2], thresh=1)

pandas combine two strings ignore nan values

Call fillna and pass an empty str as the fill value and then sum with param axis=1:

In [3]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':['asd',np.NaN,'asdsa'], 'b':['asdas','asdas',np.NaN]})

a b
0 asd asdas
1 NaN asdas
2 asdsa NaN

In [7]:
df['a+b'] = df.fillna('').sum(axis=1)

a b a+b
0 asd asdas asdasdas
1 NaN asdas asdas
2 asdsa NaN asdsa

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