How to Qcut with Non Unique Bin Edges

pandas: qcut error: ValueError: Bin edges must be unique:

The problem is pandas.qcut chooses the bins so that you have the same number of records in each bin/quantile, but the same value cannot fall in multiple bins/quantiles.

Here is a list of solutions.

qcut with non-unique bin edges produces wrong number of quantiles

What you might be looking for is a way to construct the "quantiles" yourself. You can do this by sorting and then using integer division to define the group.

I'll create data with an excessive mass at 0, such that pd.qcut will complain about duplicates.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

s = pd.Series(np.random.normal(0, 4, 1000))
s = pd.concat([s, pd.Series([0]*500)])
s = s.to_frame('vals')

N = 10
s = s.sort_values('vals')
s['q'] = np.arange(len(s)) // (len(s)/N)

With q we now get 10 bins regardless.

# vals
# count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
#0.0 150.0 -6.5934 1.9208 -12.6041 -7.7703 -6.1546 -5.1073 -4.3421
#1.0 150.0 -3.1922 0.5621 -4.3287 -3.6605 -3.1293 -2.7377 -2.2718
#2.0 150.0 -1.4932 0.4203 -2.2561 -1.8196 -1.5262 -1.1364 -0.7451
#3.0 150.0 -0.1831 0.2400 -0.7425 -0.3371 -0.0110 0.0000 0.0000
#4.0 150.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#5.0 150.0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#6.0 150.0 0.0238 0.0678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2856
#7.0 150.0 1.1555 0.4833 0.3353 0.7615 1.1837 1.5819 1.9513
#8.0 150.0 2.9430 0.6016 1.9660 2.4385 2.9665 3.4764 4.0277
#9.0 150.0 6.1692 1.6616 4.0336 4.8805 5.8176 6.9019 12.3437

The bins that don't overlap the problematic value are identical but the two bins where 0 is the edge are different (because they have been collapsed)

s.groupby(pd.qcut(s['vals'], 10, duplicates='drop'))['vals'].describe()
# count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
#(-12.604999999999999, -4.33] 150.0 -6.5934 1.9208 -12.6041 -7.7703 -6.1546 -5.1073 -4.3421
#(-4.33, -2.259] 150.0 -3.1922 0.5621 -4.3287 -3.6605 -3.1293 -2.7377 -2.2718
#(-2.259, -0.743] 150.0 -1.4932 0.4203 -2.2561 -1.8196 -1.5262 -1.1364 -0.7451
#(-0.743, 0.0] 576.0 -0.0477 0.1463 -0.7425 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#(0.0, 0.301] 24.0 0.1490 0.1016 0.0024 0.0457 0.1497 0.2485 0.2856
#(0.301, 1.954] 150.0 1.1555 0.4833 0.3353 0.7615 1.1837 1.5819 1.9513
#(1.954, 4.028] 150.0 2.9430 0.6016 1.9660 2.4385 2.9665 3.4764 4.0277
#(4.028, 12.344] 150.0 6.1692 1.6616 4.0336 4.8805 5.8176 6.9019 12.3437

Why use pandas qcut return ValueError: Bin edges must be unique?

I ran this in Jupyter and placed the exampledata.txt to the same directory as the notebook.

Please note that the first line:

df = pd.DataFrame(datas, columns=['userid', 'recency', 'frequency', 'monetary'])

loads the colums 'userid' when it isn't defined in the data file. I removed this column name.


import pandas as pd

def pct_rank_qcut(series, n):
edges = pd.Series([float(i) / n for i in range(n + 1)])
f = lambda x: (edges >= x).argmax()
return series.rank(pct=1).apply(f)

datas = pd.read_csv('./exampledata.txt', delimiter=';')

df = pd.DataFrame(datas, columns=['recency', 'frequency', 'monetary'])

df['recency'] = df['recency'].astype(float)
df['frequency'] = df['frequency'].astype(float)
df['monetary'] = df['monetary'].astype(float)

df['recency'] = pct_rank_qcut(df.recency, 5)
df['frequency'] = pct_rank_qcut(df.frequency, 5)
df['monetary'] = pct_rank_qcut(df.monetary, 5)


The problem you were seeing was a result of pd.qcut assuming 5 bins of equal size. In the data you provided, 'frequency' has more than 28% number 1's. This broke qcut.

I provided a new function pct_rank_qcut that addresses this and pushes all 1's into the first bin.

    edges = pd.Series([float(i) / n for i in range(n + 1)])

This line defines a series of percentile edges based on the desired number of bins defined by n. In the case of n = 5 the edges will be [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]

    f = lambda x: (edges >= x).argmax()

this line defines a helper function to be applied to another series in the next line. edges >= x will return a series equal in length to edges where each element is True or False depending on whether x is less than or equal to that edge. In the case of x = 0.14 the resulting (edges >= x) will be [False, True, True, True, True, True]. By the taking the argmax() I've identified the first index where the series is True, in this case 1.

    return series.rank(pct=1).apply(f)

This line takes the input series and turns it into a percentile ranking. I can compare these rankings to the edges I've created and that's why I use the apply(f). What's returned should be a series of bin numbers numbered 1 to n. This series of bin numbers is the same thing you were trying to get with:

pd.qcut(df['recency'].values, 5).codes + 1

This has consequences in that the bins are no longer equal and that bin 1 borrows completely from bin 2. But some choice had to be made. If you don't like this choice, use the concept to build your own ranking.


print df.head()

recency frequency monetary
0 3 5 5
1 2 5 5
2 2 5 5
3 1 5 5
4 2 5 5


pd.Series.argmax() is now deprecated. Simply switch to pd.Series.values.argmax()() to update!

def pct_rank_qcut(series, n):
edges = pd.Series([float(i) / n for i in range(n + 1)])
f = lambda x: (edges >= x).values.argmax()
return series.rank(pct=1).apply(f)

pd.qcut - ValueError: Bin edges must be unique

Using the solution in the post

def pct_rank_qcut(series, n):
edges = pd.Series([float(i) / n for i in range(n + 1)])
f = lambda x: (edges >= x).argmax()
return series.rank(pct=1).apply(f)

q = pct_rank_qcut(df.loss_percent, 10)

I have been trying to qcut an array of values into 4 bins. I am getting the error below? How to solve this I am a beginner in Python

qcut is not friendly with duplicated data and will throw an error when it sees a duplicate at splitting point. Imagine you do a qcut on [1]*100, what is the 50-th percentile?

You can try rank(pct=True) to calculate the actual percentile for the value, then cut:

wkx_old['Rankings'] = pd.cut(wkx_old['Sales point'].rank(pct=True), 
bins=4, labels=names)


0      C
1 C
2 C
3 B
4 B
119 A
120 C
121 C
122 A
123 D
Length: 124, dtype: category
Categories (4, object): ['D' < 'C' < 'B' < 'A']

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