How to Pickle a Dynamically Created Nested Class in Python

Pickling dynamically generated classes?

When the Pickler encounters an object of a type it knows nothing about, it looks for a reduce method. Defining this method when you build your custom class using type should solve the problem of pickling.

If you provide initial args then in addition you might need to define a getnewargs method

Pickling inner classes

It's certainly a lot simpler to keep your classes unnested. As an alternative, you can use packages to group the classes together.

In any case, there is an alternate serializer named cerealizer which I think could handle the nested classes. You would need to register the classes with it before deserialization. I've used it before when pickle wouldn't suffice (also problems related to the classes) and it works well!

Pickle base class from derived class instance

You can effectively do what you want by using the module-level dataclasses.asdict() utility function to convert the B dataclass object into a dict (which is the default factory function), and then use that to create a base class instance. This isn't quite the same thing as "upcasting" the B instance into an A instance, but effect is similar.

import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pickle
from typing import List

class A:
var1: List[float]
var2: float

class B(A):
def __init__(self, v1):
super().__init__(v1, 0)

def process(self):

def as_A(self):
d = dataclasses.asdict(obj)
return A(**d)

filename = 'derived_class.pkl'
l1 = [1., 2., 4.]
obj = B(l1)
with open(filename, 'wb') as pickleFile:

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