How to Get Millisecond and Microsecond-Resolution Timestamps in Python

How can I get millisecond and microsecond-resolution timestamps in Python?

Update Aug. 2022:

In modern Python 3, import time followed by time.monotonic_ns() might be sufficient. See my new answer to this other question here: High-precision clock in Python. At the time of my answer in 2016 using Python 3.1 on a Raspberry Pi, that didn't exist.

See This is new in Python 3.7. I haven't tested it myself yet though. Thanks for @HenrikMadsen for posting this in his answer here, which he since deleted, unfortunately.

I still need to test these new Python 3.7 and later functions to see if they are as good as what I have below.

So, try this first and compare it to what I have done below:

import time

time_ns = time.monotonic_ns()

You might also try time.clock_gettime_ns() on Unix or Linux systems. Based on its name, it appears to call the underlying clock_gettime() C function which I use in my nanos() function in C in my answer here and in my C Unix/Linux library here: timinglib.c.

Original answer in 2016:

Here's a fully-functional module for both Linux and Windows, and which is unique from all other answers here in that it works in pre-Python 3.3. All other answers there require Python 3.7 or later in most cases, and Python 3.3 or later in other cases. Again, my answer below works in Windows and Linux in any version of Python, going back at least as early as Python 3.0 or so, in case you need that (I can't remember if it works on Python 2.7 or not).

It uses the ctypes library to call C or C++ dynamic libraries in Python via .dll "dynamically linked library" files in Windows, or .so "shared object" library files in Unix or Linux.

Functions and code samples.

Functions include:

  • micros()
  • millis()
  • delay()
  • delayMicroseconds()

Download from my eRCaGuy_PyTime repo, then do:

import GS_timing

time_ms = GS_timing.millis()
time_us = GS_timing.micros()
GS_timing.delay(10) # delay 10 ms
GS_timing.delayMicroseconds(10000) # delay 10000 us

Python code module (on GitHub as eRCaGuy_PyTime):

-create some low-level Arduino-like millis() (milliseconds) and micros()
(microseconds) timing functions for Python
By Gabriel Staples
-click "Contact me" at the top of my website to find my email address
Started: 11 July 2016
Updated: 13 Aug 2016

History (newest on top):
20160813 - v0.2.0 created - added Linux compatibility, using ctypes, so that it's compatible with pre-Python 3.3 (for Python 3.3 or later just use the built-in time functions for Linux, shown here:
-ex: time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW)
20160711 - v0.1.0 created - functions work for Windows *only* (via the QPC timer)

-personal (C++ code): GS_PCArduino.h
1) Acquiring high-resolution time stamps (Windows)
2) QueryPerformanceCounter function (Windows)
3) QueryPerformanceFrequency function (Windows)
4) LARGE_INTEGER union (Windows)




import ctypes, os

VERSION = '0.2.0'

#OS-specific low-level timing functions:
if ('nt'): #for Windows:
def micros():
"return a timestamp in microseconds (us)"
tics = ctypes.c_int64()
freq = ctypes.c_int64()

#get ticks on the internal ~2MHz QPC clock
#get the actual freq. of the internal ~2MHz QPC clock

t_us = tics.value*1e6/freq.value
return t_us

def millis():
"return a timestamp in milliseconds (ms)"
tics = ctypes.c_int64()
freq = ctypes.c_int64()

#get ticks on the internal ~2MHz QPC clock
#get the actual freq. of the internal ~2MHz QPC clock

t_ms = tics.value*1e3/freq.value
return t_ms

elif ('posix'): #for Linux:

CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4 # see <linux/time.h> here:

#prepare ctype timespec structure of {long, long}
class timespec(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ =\
('tv_sec', ctypes.c_long),
('tv_nsec', ctypes.c_long)

#Configure Python access to the clock_gettime C library, via ctypes:
#-ctypes.CDLL: with clock_gettime: #-
#-Linux clock_gettime():
librt = ctypes.CDLL('', use_errno=True)
clock_gettime = librt.clock_gettime
#specify input arguments and types to the C clock_gettime() function
# (int clock_ID, timespec* t)
clock_gettime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(timespec)]

def monotonic_time():
"return a timestamp in seconds (sec)"
t = timespec()
#(Note that clock_gettime() returns 0 for success, or -1 for failure, in
# which case errno is set appropriately)
#-see here:
if clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW , ctypes.pointer(t)) != 0:
#if clock_gettime() returns an error
errno_ = ctypes.get_errno()
raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_))
return t.tv_sec + t.tv_nsec*1e-9 #sec

def micros():
"return a timestamp in microseconds (us)"
return monotonic_time()*1e6 #us

def millis():
"return a timestamp in milliseconds (ms)"
return monotonic_time()*1e3 #ms

#Other timing functions:
def delay(delay_ms):
"delay for delay_ms milliseconds (ms)"
t_start = millis()
while (millis() - t_start < delay_ms):
pass #do nothing

def delayMicroseconds(delay_us):
"delay for delay_us microseconds (us)"
t_start = micros()
while (micros() - t_start < delay_us):
pass #do nothing

#Only executute this block of code if running this module directly,
#*not* if importing it
#-see here:
if __name__ == "__main__": #if running this module as a stand-alone program

#print loop execution time 100 times, using micros()
tStart = micros() #us
for x in range(0, 100):
tNow = micros() #us
dt = tNow - tStart #us; delta time
tStart = tNow #us; update
print("dt(us) = " + str(dt))

#print loop execution time 100 times, using millis()
tStart = millis() #ms
for x in range(0, 100):
tNow = millis() #ms
dt = tNow - tStart #ms; delta time
tStart = tNow #ms; update
print("dt(ms) = " + str(dt))

#print a counter once per second, for 5 seconds, using delay
for i in range(1,6):

#print a counter once per second, for 5 seconds, using delayMicroseconds
for i in range(1,6):

If you know how to get the above millisecond and microsecond-resolution timestamps in Linux, please post, as that would be very helpful too.

This works for Linux too, including in pre-Python 3.3, since I'm using C functions via the ctypes module in order to read the time stamps.

(Note: code above originally posted here:

Special thanks to @ArminRonacher for his brilliant pre-Python 3.3 Linux answer here:

Timestamp and clock references:

  1. Windows: QueryPerformanceCounter():

    Retrieves the current value of the performance counter, which is a high resolution (<1us) time stamp that can be used for time-interval measurements.

  2. Linux: clock_gettime(): (emphasis added):


    A nonsettable system-wide clock that represents monotonic time since—as described by POSIX—"some unspecified point in the past". On Linux, that point corresponds to the number of seconds that the system has been running since it was booted.

    CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW (since Linux 2.6.28; Linux-specific)

    Similar to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, but provides access to a raw hardware-based time that is not subject to NTP adjustments or the incremental adjustments performed by adjtime(3). This clock does not count time that the system is suspended.

  3. Note that both clocks on both systems do NOT provide "wall clock" type timestamps. Rather, they both provide high-resolution (sub-microsecond) timestamps which generally count time since boot. These timestamps are useful for precision timing of events, producing repeatable, periodic loops, and measuring small time intervals in code, with great resolution, precision, and accuracy.

Update: prior to Python 3.3, the built-in Python time library ( didn't have any explicitly high-resolution functions. Now, however it does provide other options, including some high-resolution functions.

My module above, however, provides high-resolution timestamps for Python code before Python 3.3, as well as after, and it does so on both Linux and Windows.

Here's an example of what I mean, showing that the time.sleep() function is NOT necessarily a high-resolution function. On my Windows machine, it's resolution is perhaps 8ms at best, whereas my module above has 0.5us resolution (16000 times better!) on the same machine.

Code demonstration:

import time
import GS_timing as timing

def delayMicroseconds(n):
time.sleep(n / 1000000.)

def delayMillisecond(n):
time.sleep(n / 1000.)

t_start = 0
t_end = 0

#using time.sleep
print('using time.sleep')
for x in range(10):
t_start = timing.micros() #us
t_end = timing.micros() #us
print('dt (us) = ' + str(t_end - t_start))
for x in range(10):
t_start = timing.micros() #us
t_end = timing.micros() #us
print('dt (us) = ' + str(t_end - t_start))

#using GS_timing
print('\nusing GS_timing')
for x in range(10):
t_start = timing.micros() #us
t_end = timing.micros() #us
print('dt (us) = ' + str(t_end - t_start))
for x in range(10):
t_start = timing.micros() #us
t_end = timing.micros() #us
print('dt (us) = ' + str(t_end - t_start))

SAMPLE RESULTS ON MY WINDOWS 8.1 MACHINE (notice how much worse time.sleep does):

using time.sleep
dt (us) = 2872.059814453125
dt (us) = 886.3939208984375
dt (us) = 770.4649658203125
dt (us) = 1138.7698974609375
dt (us) = 1426.027099609375
dt (us) = 734.557861328125
dt (us) = 10617.233642578125
dt (us) = 9594.90576171875
dt (us) = 9155.299560546875
dt (us) = 9520.526611328125
dt (us) = 8799.3056640625
dt (us) = 9609.2685546875
dt (us) = 9679.5439453125
dt (us) = 9248.145263671875
dt (us) = 9389.721923828125
dt (us) = 9637.994262695312
dt (us) = 9616.450073242188
dt (us) = 9592.853881835938
dt (us) = 9465.639892578125
dt (us) = 7650.276611328125

using GS_timing
dt (us) = 53.3477783203125
dt (us) = 36.93310546875
dt (us) = 36.9329833984375
dt (us) = 34.8812255859375
dt (us) = 35.3941650390625
dt (us) = 40.010986328125
dt (us) = 38.4720458984375
dt (us) = 56.425537109375
dt (us) = 35.9072265625
dt (us) = 36.420166015625
dt (us) = 2039.526611328125
dt (us) = 2046.195068359375
dt (us) = 2033.8841552734375
dt (us) = 2037.4747314453125
dt (us) = 2032.34521484375
dt (us) = 2086.2059326171875
dt (us) = 2035.4229736328125
dt (us) = 2051.32470703125
dt (us) = 2040.03955078125
dt (us) = 2027.215576171875

SAMPLE RESULTS ON MY RASPBERRY PI VERSION 1 B+ (notice that the results between using time.sleep and my module are basically identical...apparently the low-level functions in time are already accessing better-resolution timers here, since it's a Linux machine (running Raspbian)...BUT in my GS_timing module I am explicitly calling the CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW timer. Who knows what's being used otherwise):

using time.sleep
dt (us) = 1022.0
dt (us) = 417.0
dt (us) = 407.0
dt (us) = 450.0
dt (us) = 2078.0
dt (us) = 393.0
dt (us) = 1297.0
dt (us) = 878.0
dt (us) = 1135.0
dt (us) = 2896.0
dt (us) = 2746.0
dt (us) = 2568.0
dt (us) = 2512.0
dt (us) = 2423.0
dt (us) = 2454.0
dt (us) = 2608.0
dt (us) = 2518.0
dt (us) = 2569.0
dt (us) = 2548.0
dt (us) = 2496.0

using GS_timing
dt (us) = 572.0
dt (us) = 673.0
dt (us) = 1084.0
dt (us) = 561.0
dt (us) = 728.0
dt (us) = 576.0
dt (us) = 556.0
dt (us) = 584.0
dt (us) = 576.0
dt (us) = 578.0
dt (us) = 2741.0
dt (us) = 2466.0
dt (us) = 2522.0
dt (us) = 2810.0
dt (us) = 2589.0
dt (us) = 2681.0
dt (us) = 2546.0
dt (us) = 3090.0
dt (us) = 2600.0
dt (us) = 2400.0


  1. My 3 sets of timestamp functions (cross-linked to each other):
    1. For C timestamps, see my answer here: Get a timestamp in C in microseconds?
    2. For C++ high-resolution timestamps, see my answer here: Getting an accurate execution time in C++ (micro seconds)
    3. For Python high-resolution timestamps, see my answer here: How can I get millisecond and microsecond-resolution timestamps in Python?
  2. My C and C++ Linux high-resolution timing library with millis(), micros(), nanos(), sleep_ns(), sleep_until_ns, use_realtime_scheduler(), get_estimated_resolution(), etc.
    1. timinglib.h
    2. timinglib.c
  3. [my answer for C and C++, including microcontrollers (or any other system)] How to do timestamp-based, non-blocking, single-threaded cooperative multi-tasking
  4. [my answer for C and C++, including microcontrollers and Arduino (or any other system)] Full coulomb counter example demonstrating the above concept with timestamp-based, single-threaded, cooperative multi-tasking
  5. [my answer for C and C++ in Linux--could be easily adapted to Python using the ctypes module, as shown above] How to run a high-resolution, high-precision periodic loop in Linux easily, at any frequency (ex: up to 10 KHz~100 KHz) using a soft real-time scheduler and nanosecond delays

How to get current time in microseconds resolution?

You can print a datetime in that format just by using strftime:

>>> import datetime

>>> now =

>>> now
datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 17, 12, 45, 58, 294795)

>>> now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

Note that this is a separate issue to the resolution of your clock, it may be less than a microsecond. You can check that as well by using:

>>> str(datetime.time.resolution)

As per the output, my Linux box (and Python 3.7 on my Win10 box) has a one-microsecond resolution.

How do I get the current time in milliseconds in Python?

Using time.time():

import time

def current_milli_time():
return round(time.time() * 1000)


>>> current_milli_time()

Microsecond accurate timestamp in python?

import datetime as DT
d1 = DT.datetime(2013, 7, 31, 9, 13, 8, 829)
epoch = DT.datetime(1970, 1, 1)

print(d1.timestamp()) # python3
# 1375276388.000829
print((d1 - epoch).total_seconds()) # python2
# 1375261988.000829

Also note that if you are using NumPy 1.7 or newer, you could use np.datetime64:

In [23]: x = np.datetime64(d1)

In [24]: x.view('<i8')/1e6
Out[24]: 1375261988.000829

In [38]: x.astype('<i8').view('<M8[us]')
Out[38]: numpy.datetime64('2013-07-31T05:13:08.000829-0400')

In [40]: x.astype('<i8').view('<M8[us]') == x
Out[40]: True

Sinces the np.datetime64 provides an easy way to convert from dates to 8-byte ints, they can be very convenient for doing arithmetic as ints and then converting to dates.

How to get the time to milliseconds resolution python

Very simple:


This just slices the string to get rid of the last three characters of it.

How to get the millisecond part while converting to date time from epoch using python

Use datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp

epoch_time = 1571205166751

dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time/1000)

dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %p")


'2019-10-16 11:22:46.751000 AM'


%f is not supported in time.strftime

Convert python datetime to timestamp in milliseconds

In Python 3 this can be done in 2 steps:

  1. Convert timestring to datetime object
  2. Multiply the timestamp of the datetime object by 1000 to convert it to milliseconds.

For example like this:

from datetime import datetime

dt_obj = datetime.strptime('20.12.2016 09:38:42,76',
'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S,%f')
millisec = dt_obj.timestamp() * 1000




strptime accepts your timestring and a format string as input. The timestring (first argument) specifies what you actually want to convert to a datetime object. The format string (second argument) specifies the actual format of the string that you have passed.

Here is the explanation of the format specifiers from the official documentation:

  • %d - Day of the month as a zero-padded decimal number.
  • %m - Month as a zero-padded decimal number.
  • %Y - Year with century as a decimal number
  • %H - Hour (24-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.
  • %M - Minute as a zero-padded decimal number.
  • %S - Second as a zero-padded decimal number.
  • %f - Microsecond as a decimal number, zero-padded to 6 digits.

Using %f with strftime() in Python to get microseconds

You can use datetime's strftime function to get this. The problem is that time's strftime accepts a timetuple that does not carry microsecond information.

from datetime import datetime"%H:%M:%S.%f")

Should do the trick!

High-precision clock in Python

The standard time.time() function provides sub-second precision, though that precision varies by platform. For Linux and Mac precision is +- 1 microsecond or 0.001 milliseconds. Python on Windows uses +- 16 milliseconds precision due to clock implementation problems due to process interrupts. The timeit module can provide higher resolution if you're measuring execution time.

>>> import time
>>> time.time() #return seconds from epoch

Python 3.7 introduces new functions to the time module that provide higher resolution:

>>> import time
>>> time.time_ns()
>>> time.time_ns() / (10 ** 9) # convert to floating-point seconds

Set precision for milliseconds in datetime string: Python

There is no built-in way to ask Python to display dates with milliseconds.
You'll have to do a bit of string manipulation to get the desired result:

from dateutil.parser import parse
import datetime as DT
date = parse("2017-02-14T18:21:14.080+05:30")
microsecond = date.microsecond
millisecond = int(round(microsecond/1000))


2017-02-14 18:21:14.080+05:30

See this post for solutions and
discussion of how to convert microseconds to milliseconds. Note that one of the
difficulties is that date.microsecond may return a number with fewer than 6
digits, and if microseconds are 0, on some OSes, str(date) may drop the
microseconds altogether). This
is why some pains were taken above to format microseconds to 6 digits before
replacing with milliseconds formatted to 3 digits.

Using the code above, on an OS which drops microseconds when zero, no
milliseconds would be shown. If you wish to always show milliseconds formatted
to 3 decimal places, you'll have to build the date string from scratch:

from dateutil.parser import parse
import datetime as DT
date = parse("2017-02-14T18:21:14.080+05:30")
microsecond = date.microsecond
millisecond = round(microsecond/1000)
utcoffset = date.strftime('%z')
utcoffset_string = '{}:{}'.format(utcoffset[:-2], utcoffset[-2:])

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