How to Get the Version Defined in Setup.Py (Setuptools) in My Package

How can I get the version defined in (setuptools) in my package?

Interrogate version string of already-installed distribution

To retrieve the version from inside your package at runtime (what your question appears to actually be asking), you can use:

import pkg_resources  # part of setuptools
version = pkg_resources.require("MyProject")[0].version

Store version string for use during install

If you want to go the other way 'round (which appears to be what other answer authors here appear to have thought you were asking), put the version string in a separate file and read that file's contents in

You could make a in your package with a __version__ line, then read it from using execfile('mypackage/'), so that it sets __version__ in the namespace.

Warning about race condition during install

By the way, DO NOT import your package from your as suggested in another answer here: it will seem to work for you (because you already have your package's dependencies installed), but it will wreak havoc upon new users of your package, as they will not be able to install your package without manually installing the dependencies first.

What is the correct way to share package version with and the package?

Set the version in only, and read your own version with pkg_resources, effectively querying the setuptools metadata:


# other attributes


from pkg_resources import get_distribution

__version__ = get_distribution('foobar').version

To make this work in all cases, where you could end up running this without having installed it, test for DistributionNotFound and the distribution location:

from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
import os.path

_dist = get_distribution('foobar')
# Normalize case for Windows systems
dist_loc = os.path.normcase(_dist.location)
here = os.path.normcase(__file__)
if not here.startswith(os.path.join(dist_loc, 'foobar')):
# not installed, but there is another version that *is*
raise DistributionNotFound
except DistributionNotFound:
__version__ = 'Please install this project with'
__version__ = _dist.version

display __version__ using setuptools.setup values in

Adding __version__ to all top-level modules and packages is a recommendation from PEP 396.

Lately I have seen growing concerns raised about this recommendation and its actual usefulness, for example here:

  • some more that I can't find right now...

With that said...

Such a thing is often solved like the following:

# my_top_level_module/

import importlib.metadata

__version__ = importlib.metadata.version('MyProject')



Automatic version number both in (setuptools) AND source code?

You could also reverse the dependency: put the version in mylib/, parse that file in to get the version parameter, and use git tag $( --version) on the command line to create your tag.

git tag -a v$(python --version) -m 'description of version'

Is there anything more complicated you want to do that I haven’t understood?

Set `__version__` of module from a file when configuring setuptools using `setup.cfg` without ``

In the course of formulating the above question, I incrementally solved it to find three methods that work:

  • Two methods use the attr: special directive in setup.cfg. Of these:
    • One puts the version number directly in the package’s file.
    • The other puts the version number in a separate file ( and then imports the version string from that separate file.
  • The third method uses instead the file: special directive in setup.cfg.
    • This reads the separate version-specifying file (VERSION) directly and doesn’t involve the package’s file at all.

In light of these three possibilities, I re-present the directory/file structure with the addition of the two version-specifying files and VERSION:

├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── src/
│ └── my_package/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── tests/

Of course, you’d have at most one of those two files, depending on which of the three solutions you chose to implement.

The two attr: special-directive solutions

In both of the solutions using the setup.cfg’s attr: special-directive, setup.cfg obtains the import package’s version from the import package’s __version__ attribute. (When you import some_package that has a version, use dir(some_package) and you’ll see that it has a __version__ attribute.) Now you see the connection here between the attr: name of the special directive and our goal.

The key task: how to assign the __version__ attribute to my_package?

We assign the __version__ attribute, either directly or indirectly, using the package’s file, which already exists (assuming you have a traditional package rather than a namespace package, which is outside the scope of this answer).

The snippet in setup.cfg that is common in both Method A and Method B

In both of these attr: special-directive solutions, the configuration of the setup.cfg file is the same, with the following snippet:

name = my-project
version = attr: my_package.__version__

To be clear, here the .__version__ references an attribute, not a file, subpackage, or anything else.

Now we branch depending on whether the version information goes directly into or instead into its own file.

Method A: Put the assignment into the package’s file

This method doesn’t use a separate file for specifying the version number, but rather inserts it into the package’s file:

# path-to/my-project/src/my_package/
__version__ = '0.0.2'

Note two elements of the assignment:

  • the left-hand side (__version__) corresponds to the attr: line in setup.cfg (version = attr: my_package.__version__)
  • the legitimate version string on the right-hand side is a string enclosed by quotes.

We’re done with Method A.

Method B: Put the assignment into a file and import it in

Create and put the version string in it

We construct a new Python file and locate it at the same level as the import package’s file.

We insert the exact same __version__ directive that we inserted in in Method A:

# my-project/src/my_package/
__version__ = '0.0.2'

From within, import __version__ from

In, we do a relative import to access the __version__ that was assigned in the separate file:

# path-to/my-project/src/my_package/
from . __version__ import __version__

To unpack this a little…

  • We’re doing a relative import, so we have to use the from … import … syntax. (Absolute imports may use either the import <> or from <> import <> syntax, but relative imports may only use the second form.)
  • The . indicates a relative import, starting with the current package.
  • The first occurrence of __version__ refers to the “module”
    • This file name doesn’t have to be That’s just conventional. Whatever the filename is, however, it must match the name after from . (except that the .py is stripped off in the from . import statement).
  • The second occurrence of __version__ refers to the assignment statement inside of
    • I’m not sure whether this string needs to be __version__, but it certainly at a minimum needs to match the assignment statement.

We’re done with Method B.

Method C: Using the file: special directive

The separate file is populated differently

In this method, we use a separate file for the version number, as in Method B. Unlike Method B, we read the contents of this file directly, rather than importing it.

To prevent confusion, I’ll call this file simply VERSION. Like and Method B’s, VERSION is at the root level of import package. (See the directory/file diagram.) (Of course, in this method, you won’t have

However, the contents of this VERSION file are much different than the contents of Method B’s

Here’s the contents of my-project/src/my_package/VERSION:


Note that:

  • This file contains nothing but the contents of the version string itself. In particular, do not enclose this string in quotation marks!
  • There’s also no assignment syntax going on; there’s no “__version__ = ” preamble to the assignment string.
  • This isn’t even a Python file, so I didn’t include a comment string with the path to the file, because that would be enough to give the error VERSION does not comply with PEP 440: # comment line.

setup.cfg is different than before

There are two points of note that distinguish setup.cfg in Method C from the setup.cfg that was common to both Methods A and B.

setup.cfg uses file: rather than attr:

In Method C, we use a different formulation in setup.cfg, swapping out the attr: special directive and replacing it with the file: special directive. The new snippet is:

name = my-project
version = file: src/my_package/VERSION

The file path to VERSION is relative to the project directory

Note the path to VERSION in the assignment statement: src/my_package/VERSION.

The relative file path to the VERSIONS file is relative to the root of the project directory my-project. This differs from Method B, where the relative import was relative to the import-package root, i.e., my_package.

We’re done with Method C.

Pros and cons

Method A might be seen to have a virtue of needing no additional file to set the version (because, in addition to setup.cfg, which is needed in any case, Method A uses only, which likewise already exists). However, having a separate file for the version number has its own virtue of being obvious where the version number is set. In Method A, sending someone to change the version number who didn’t already know where it was stored might take a while; it wouldn’t be obvious to look in

Method C might seem to have the advantage over Method B, because Method B requires modification to two files ( and rather than only one for Method C (VERSION). The only perhaps countervailing advantage of Method B is that its is a Python file that allows embedded comments, which Method C’s VERSION does not.

Standard way to embed version into Python package?

Not directly an answer to your question, but you should consider naming it __version__, not version.

This is almost a quasi-standard. Many modules in the standard library use __version__, and this is also used in lots of 3rd-party modules, so it's the quasi-standard.

Usually, __version__ is a string, but sometimes it's also a float or tuple.

As mentioned by S.Lott (Thank you!), PEP 8 says it explicitly:

Module Level Dunder Names

Module level "dunders" (i.e. names with two leading and two trailing
underscores) such as __all__, __author__, __version__, etc.
should be placed after the module docstring but before any import
statements except from __future__ imports.

You should also make sure that the version number conforms to the format described in PEP 440 (PEP 386 a previous version of this standard).

Install specific version of setuptools as a dependency of package

Thanks to the answers and comments I can make a conclusion.

To use a specific version of setuptools it is necessary to have it in both locations - in pyproject.toml and at the beginning of install_requires of

The tool like pip will use the version from pyproject.toml to build the project. However, if there is any dependency that has the latest version of setuptools in its requirements, then the latest version will be used to install the dependency. Also, the environment will keep the version that was last installed.

How can I specify library versions in

I'm not sure about buildout, however, for setuptools/distribute, you specify version info with the comparison operators (like ==, >=, or <=).

For example:

install_requires = ['django-pipeline==1.1.22', 'south>=0.7']

Bash script get version from or from PKG-INFO file and export as environment variable

It was easier than I though:

VERSION=$(python --version)

In the same manner you can also get the module name:

MODULE_NAME=$(python --name)

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