How to Delete Tkinter Widgets from a Window

How to delete a Tkinter widget placement?

Use place_forget() instead of pack_forget(). You may also remove the pack() calls. In your example, calling place is negating the pack call. That's why pack_forget() will not work. The button ceased to be packed the instant it was placed.

button1.pack(...)  # do it this way # nevermind, do it this way


from tkinter import *

def delete():

gui =Tk()

button1 = Button(gui, text="1", command=delete, pady= 15, padx= 20), y=60)
button2 = Button(gui, text="2", pady= 15, padx= 20), y=120)


Tkinter has 3 geometry methods ~ place, pack, and grid. Only one geometry method is required, per widget, but combining the grid or pack method with place is allowed. However, that combination is intended to allow you to alternatively pack or place widgets simultaneously within one container. In other words, some of the widgets are packed, and some of them are placed, within one container. None of the widgets are both packed and placed.

Determining which to use is simple. If you want to "dock" a widget to one or more of it's parent's edges use pack. If you need a table layout use grid. If you need arbitrary positioning use place.

Tkinter in Python - Remove widget from active window

The specific answer to your question is that pack_forget, grid_forget or grid_remove are what you want if you want to make a widget temporarily invisible. Which one you choose depends on if you're using grid or pack, and whether or not you want grid to remember where it was so you can later put it back in the same spot.

destroy is what you want to call if you want to literally destroy the widget.

When used properly, none of those methods will cause your program to freeze. Without seeing your code, it's impossible to know what the root cause of the problem is.

Python Tkinter: How to delete all child widgets with a single deletion of a parent widget?

One implementation would be to have the top-level object track its widgets via a list, then have a .close() method that looks something like:

def close(self):
for widget in self.widgets:

Tkinter - Deleting widgets of a Canvas when calling Misc.lower() method

Not sure why you would just want to hide it though, then how would the users redirect to the previous page? Is this what you wanted?

from tkinter import *

class Application:
def __init__(self):
# self.backButton = None
self.window = Tk()

self.canvas1 = Canvas(self.window, highlightthickness=0, bg="#1b1b1b")
self.canvas2 = Canvas(self.window, highlightthickness=0, bg="red2")



def initButtons(self, *args):
buttons = {}
self.buttonList = []
buttons['backButtons'] = Button(self.window, bd=0, activebackground="#1b1b1b", bg="#1b1b1b", text='Back', fg="#ffffff")


def initFirstWindow(self, *args):
self.canvas2.delete(self.res), relheight=1)

def initSecondWindow(self, *args):
backButton = self.buttonList[0]
backButton.config(command=self.initFirstWindow), relheight=1)

self.res = self.canvas2.create_window(640, 360, window=backButton)


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