How to Convert Comma-Delimited String to List in Python

How to convert comma-delimited string to list in Python?

You can use the str.split method.

>>> my_string = 'A,B,C,D,E'
>>> my_list = my_string.split(",")
>>> print my_list
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

If you want to convert it to a tuple, just

>>> print tuple(my_list)
('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')

If you are looking to append to a list, try this:

>>> my_list.append('F')
>>> print my_list
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']

Dataframe: Cell Level: Convert Comma Separated String to List

  • Use pandas.Series.str.split to split the string into a list.
# use str split on the column
df.mgrs_grids = df.mgrs_grids.str.split(',')

# display(df)
driver_code journey_code mgrs_grids
0 7211863 7211863-140 [18TWL927129, 18TWL888113, 18TWL888113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL888113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL903128]
1 7211863 7211863-105 [18TWL927129, 18TWL939112, 18TWL939112, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL960111, 18TWL960112]
2 7211863 7211863-50 [18TWL927129, 18TWL889085, 18TWL889085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL890085]
3 7211863 7211863-109 [18TWL927129, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952105, 18TWL951103]

print(type(df.loc[0, 'mgrs_grids']))

separate row per value

  • After creating a column of lists.
  • Use pandas.DataFrame.explode to create separate rows for each value in the list.
# get a separate row for each value
df = df.explode('mgrs_grids').reset_index(drop=True)

# display(df.hea())
driver_code journey_code mgrs_grids
0 7211863 7211863-140 18TWL927129
1 7211863 7211863-140 18TWL888113
2 7211863 7211863-140 18TWL888113
3 7211863 7211863-140 18TWL887113
4 7211863 7211863-140 18TWL888113


  • Here is another option, which combines the 'journey_code' to the front of 'mgrs_grids', and then splits the string into a list.
    • This list is assigned back to 'mgrs_grids', but can also be assigned to a new column.
# add the journey code to mgrs_grids and then split
df.mgrs_grids = (df.journey_code + ',' + df.mgrs_grids).str.split(',')

# display(df.head())
driver_code journey_code mgrs_grids
0 7211863 7211863-140 [7211863-140, 18TWL927129, 18TWL888113, 18TWL888113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL888113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL887113, 18TWL903128]
1 7211863 7211863-105 [7211863-105, 18TWL927129, 18TWL939112, 18TWL939112, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL939113, 18TWL960111, 18TWL960112]
2 7211863 7211863-50 [7211863-50, 18TWL927129, 18TWL889085, 18TWL889085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL888085, 18TWL890085]
3 7211863 7211863-109 [7211863-109, 18TWL927129, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952106, 18TWL952105, 18TWL951103]

# output to nested list

[['7211863-140', '18TWL927129', '18TWL888113', '18TWL888113', '18TWL887113', '18TWL888113', '18TWL887113', '18TWL887113', '18TWL887113', '18TWL903128'],
['7211863-105', '18TWL927129', '18TWL939112', '18TWL939112', '18TWL939113', '18TWL939113', '18TWL939113', '18TWL939113', '18TWL939113', '18TWL939113', '18TWL960111', '18TWL960112'],
['7211863-50', '18TWL927129', '18TWL889085', '18TWL889085', '18TWL888085', '18TWL888085', '18TWL888085', '18TWL888085', '18TWL888085', '18TWL890085'],
['7211863-109', '18TWL927129', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952106', '18TWL952105', '18TWL951103']]

Python - convert comma separated string into reducing string list

location_in  = 'London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom'
locations = location_in.split(', ')
location_out = [', '.join(locations[n:]) for n in range(len(locations))]

Convert comma separated string to list items in Python

You can do this by converting to the list to string and back to list as follows:

my_list = ['google','microsoft,facebook']

newList = ','.join(my_list).split(',')


['google', 'microsoft', 'facebook']

How would you make a comma-separated string from a list of strings?

my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
my_string = ','.join(my_list)

This won't work if the list contains integers

And if the list contains non-string types (such as integers, floats, bools, None) then do:

my_string = ','.join(map(str, my_list)) 

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