How to Check the Data Transfer on a Network Interface in Python

How can I check the data transfer on a network interface in python?

The best way to poll ethernet interface statistics is through SNMP...

  • It looks like you're using linux... if so, load up your snmpd with these options... after installing snmpd, in your /etc/defaults/snmpd (make sure the line with SNMPDOPTS looks like this):

    SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux,usmConf,iquery,dlmod,diskio,lmSensors,hr_network,snmpEngine,system_mib,at,interface,ifTable,ipAddressTable,ifXTable,ip,cpu,tcpTable,udpTable,ipSystemStatsTable,ip,snmp_mib,tcp,icmp,udp,proc,memory,snmpNotifyTable,inetNetToMediaTable,ipSystemStatsTable,disk -Lsd -p /var/run/'

  • You might also need to change the ro community to public See Note 1 and set your listening interfaces in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf (if not on the loopback)...

  • Assuming you have a functional snmpd, at this point, you can poll ifHCInBytes and ifHCOutBytes See Note 2 for your interface(s) in question using this...

from SNMP import v2Manager
import time

def poll_eth0(manager=None):
# NOTE: 2nd arg to get_index should be a valid ifName value
in_bytes = manager.get_index('ifHCInOctets', 'eth0')
out_bytes = manager.get_index('ifHCOutOctets', 'eth0')
return (time.time(), int(in_bytes), int(out_bytes))

# Prep an SNMP manager object...
mgr = v2Manager('localhost')
stats = list()
# Insert condition below, instead of True...
while True:
print poll_eth0(mgr)

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import re

class v2Manager(object):
def __init__(self, addr='', community='public'):
self.addr = addr = community
self._index = dict()

def bulkwalk(self, oid='ifName'):
cmd = 'snmpbulkwalk -v 2c -Osq -c %s %s %s' % (,
self.addr, oid)
po = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, executable='/bin/bash')
output = po.communicate()[0]
result = dict()
for line in re.split(r'\r*\n', output):
if line.strip()=="":
idx, value = re.split(r'\s+', line, 1)
idx = idx.replace(oid+".", '')
result[idx] = value
return result

def bulkwalk_index(self, oid='ifOutOctets'):
result = dict()
if not (self._index==dict()):
vals = self.bulkwalk(oid=oid)
for key, val in vals.items():
idx = self._index.get(key, None)
if not (idx is None):
result[idx] = val
raise ValueError, "Could not find '%s' in the index (%s)" % self.index
raise ValueError, "Call the index() method before calling bulkwalk_index()"
return result

def get_index(self, oid='ifOutOctets', index=''):
# This method is horribly inefficient... improvement left as exercise for the reader...
if index:
return self.bulkwalk_index().get(index, "<unknown>")
raise ValueError, "Please include an index to get"

def index(self, oid='ifName'):
self._index = self.bulkwalk(oid=oid)


  1. SNMP v2c uses clear-text authentication. If you are worried about security / someone sniffing your traffic, change your community and restrict queries to your linux machine by source ip address. The perfect world would be to modify the above to use SNMPv3 (which encrypts sensitive data); most people just use a non-public community and restrict snmp queries by source IP.

  2. ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets provide instantaneous values for the number of bytes transferred through the interface. If you are looking for data transfer rate, of course there will be some additional math involved.

Easiest Way to Transfer Data Over the Internet, Python

As long as its not asynchronous (doing sending and receiving at once), you can use the socket interface.

If you like abstractions (or need asynchronous support), there is always Twisted.

Here is an example with the socket interface (which will become harder to use as your program grows larger, so, I would suggest either Twisted or asyncore)

import socket

def mysend(sock, msg):
totalsent = 0
while totalsent < MSGLEN:
sent = sock.send(msg[totalsent:])
if sent == 0:
raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken")
totalsent = totalsent + sent

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect(("where ever you have your other computer", "port number"))

i = 2
mysend(s, str(i))

The python documentation is excellent, I picked up the mysend() function from there.

If you are doing computation related work, check out XML-RPC, which python has all nicely packaged up for you.

Remember, sockets are just like files, so they're not really much different to write code for, so, as long as you can do basic file io, and understand events, socket programming isn't hard, at all (as long as you don't get too complicated like multiplexing VoIP streams...)

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