How to Change the Foreground or Background Colour of a Tkinter Button on MAC Os X

How to change the foreground or background colour of a Tkinter Button on Mac OS X?

I think the answer is that the buttons on the mac simply don't support changing the background and foreground colors. As you've seen, this isn't unique to Tk.

Tkinter button background color is not working in mac os

I got the fix:

Use tkmacosx module for tkinter buttons in mac, use "from tkmacosx import Button", and then change the parameters and use borderless=1 to remove the unnecessary layout.
You can see the result I got after using the module:

MacOS screenshot

tkinter python 3 how to set a buttons background colour on mac osx

There are some errors with your code. First of all, you should either make the button first and then grid it, or you can directly grid it. In your code, you are making a variable called password_button, but at the end of it, you are trying to grid the button from inside the variable. To solve the problem, you can just move the grid command to a separate line like this:

password_button = Button(window,
password_button.grid(row=2, column=0,sticky=W)

Second of all, I don't think that changing background colors of buttons in tk is possible, but you can use ttk widgets to change the background color of a button.

Changing color of buttons in tkinter works on Windows but not Mac OSX

In this page of the tcl/tk wiki are listed some problems related to Mac and the color of labels and buttons's backgrounds. For example:


The Mac OS X background color should not be white, it should be #ececec. Since winfo rgb does not work properly on the mac colors, this makes it difficult to get the proper default color.

... etc.


Tkinter Button background - white only on a mac (10.15.4)

There is a problem with tkinter and python 3.73. Works fine with Python 3.72 but not 3.73. I got this info about tkinter from the instructions for Simple_GUI,

Why am I not able to visualise background colours for buttons in Tkinter Python on a Mac?

I found the answer to this question at "How to change the foreground or background colour of a Tkinter Button on Mac OS X?"

just changing the command bg="color" to highlightbackground="color" works for me on a Mac OS.

How do I change background colour of a button on hover in Tkinter?

You can use <Enter> and <Leave> events to change the fg and bg color of the button:

import tkinter

window = tkinter.Tk()
button = tkinter.Button(window, text="Test", fg='#03045e', command=terminate_instant,
relief=tkinter.RIDGE, bg='#caf0f8', activebackground='#ef233c',
button.bind("<Enter>", lambda e: button.config(fg='#caf0f8', bg='#03045e'))
button.bind("<Leave>", lambda e: button.config(fg='#03045e', bg='#caf0f8'))

How to change the foreground or background colour of a Tkinter Button on Mac OS X?

I think the answer is that the buttons on the mac simply don't support changing the background and foreground colors. As you've seen, this isn't unique to Tk.

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