Group by & Count Function in SQLalchemy

Group by & count function in sqlalchemy

The documentation on counting says that for group_by queries it is better to use func.count():

from sqlalchemy import func

group by and count in sqlalchemy

You need to use a subquery to count the cities per country and than select the max from count of the subquery:

subq = select(,,
stmt = select(,

SQLAlchemy with count, group_by and order_by using the ORM

I've found the best way to do this. Simply supply a from_statement instead of a filter_by or some such. Like so:


sqlalchemy group_by and count

You are right - you cannot do it using query_property because it implicitely selects the whole object (all attributes of it), so adding the group_by would not produce the desired result because undesired columns are included in the non-aggregate part of the query.

However you can simply use a db_session.query([, ...]).group_by(...). So all you need to do is to add db_session property to the Person class along with query and then use it to create a desired query explicitely:

class Person(object):
session = db_session
query = db_session.query_property()

How to access count value as dict/property in sqlalchemy with group_by?

Found the answer to my question after re-reading the official ORM tutorial

All I need to do is to set a label for the column for which there's no corresponding property in my class.

So, instead of doing this:

servers = session.query(func.count(Server.type), Server.type).group_by(Server.type).all()

I should do that:

servers = session.query(func.count(Server.type).label('total_count'), Server.type).group_by(Server.type).all()

Then I can access the total_count property (provided by the label function):

for server in servers:
print(server.type, server.total_count)

Multiple group_by counts on single table using SQLAlchemy

Is straight SQL can use the FILTER clause on count to get the individual city counts with standard count to for the total: See example here

select  name, total, ny, chi, la 
from ( select name
, count(*) total
, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE city='Chicago') chi
, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE city='Los Angeles') la
, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE city='New York') ny
from users
group by name
) sq;

I leave it to you to convert to SQLAlchemy; since I can read it to understand, but am not comfortable attempting writing it.

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