Google App Engine: Won't Serve Static Assets with Below Error:

Google App Engine: Won't serve static assets with below error:

Started a bug in the issue tracker for GAE. See here:
In the meantime, the temporary patch in comme #4 on that thread works.


line 166, 167, 168, need add str to self._get_mime_type(full_path)

if user_headers.Get('Content-type') is None:
#headers.append(('Content-type', self._get_mime_type(full_path)))<br />
headers.append(('Content-type', str(self._get_mime_type(full_path))))<br /><br />
# 2014-06-09 fix on Win7 "TypeError: WSGI response header value u'text/html' is not of type str"

Google App Engine add image to page with static folder

What is the url of this page? If it looks like a subdirectory, then your using a relative path for your image is not pointing to the images path. Try changing to:

<img src="/images/fig1.jpg">

If using Windows, there is a known bug. See:

Google App Engine: Won't serve static assets with below error:

Try adding mime_type: "image/jpeg" to your image handler, to see if that is the cause.

App Engine GO SDK Load CSS file with 500 error

There is a bug in the app.yaml static handlers for Windows:

Google App Engine: Won't serve static assets with below error:

Serving static HTML with Google App Engine and bottle

To serve static files in App Engine, it's by far most efficient (faster for your users, and less expensive for you if you pass the free daily quota) to do so directly from app.yaml -- just add

- url: /
static_files: static/index.html

to app.yaml before the "catch-all" url: /.* directive.

This way, your app won't be queueing up that static file request behind others that might be waiting, nor ever need to spin up and warm up a new instance, nor run any of your code -- it will just serve the static file to the the user pronto, just as fast as Google knows how to (including caching and CDN-like speed-ups "behind the curtains" as/if applicable).

There's really no reason to serve up static files from code, when you can instead so easily leverage Google's own serving infrastructure!

Can not serve static content files

This isn't your fault -- it's a bug in App Engine:

There's a thread with some workarounds here: Google App Engine: Won't serve static assets with below error:

Google App Engine service with static files

The problem is that the path you're requesting is actually /dist/main.js, which doesn't match the apple service dispatch rule pattern: */apple/* - so it gets routed to the default service.

To fix it you need to:

  • update the patterns in the apple.yaml file (which BTW you should call apple to match your dispatch service name):

    # apple.yaml
    service: apple

    - url: /apple/dist/(.+)
    static_files: dist/\1
    upload: dist/(.+)

    - url: /.*
    static_files: dist/index.html
    upload: dist/index.html

    Note that even if the last rule above can match anything it won't actually get requests without an */apple/* in the path because those won't make it to the apple service.

  • refer to the files using the updated paths, so that the dispatcher can route them to the apple service:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/apple/dist/main.js"></script>

App Engine: Static Files Not Updating on Deploy

When performing changes in static files in an App Engine application, changes will not be available immediately, due to cache, as you already imagined. The cache in Google Cloud cannot be manually flushed, so instead I would recommend you to change the expiration time to a shorter period (by default it is 10 minutes) if you want to test how it works, and later setting an appropriate expiration time according to your requirements.

Bear in mind that you can change the static cache expiration time both for all static files or for just the ones you choose, just by setting the proper element in the app.yaml file.

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