Pairing Bluetooth Devices with Passkey/Password in Python - Rfcomm (Linux)

Pairing bluetooth devices with Passkey/Password in python - RFCOMM (Linux)

Finally I am able to connect to a device using PyBlueZ. I hope this answer will help others in the future. I tried the following:

First, import the modules and discover the devices.

import bluetooth, subprocess
nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(duration=4,lookup_names=True,
flush_cache=True, lookup_class=False)

When you discover the device you want to connect, you need to know port, the address and passkey. With that information do the next:

name = name      # Device name
addr = addr # Device Address
port = 1 # RFCOMM port
passkey = "1111" # passkey of the device you want to connect

# kill any "bluetooth-agent" process that is already running"kill -9 `pidof bluetooth-agent`",shell=True)

# Start a new "bluetooth-agent" process where XXXX is the passkey
status ="bluetooth-agent " + passkey + " &",shell=True)

# Now, connect in the same way as always with PyBlueZ
s = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
except bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError as err:
# Error handler

Now, you are connected!! You can use your socket for the task you need:

s.recv(1024) # Buffer size
s.send("Hello World!")

Official PyBlueZ documentation is available here

Bluetooth - listening to a pairing even in a Linux device in Python

Good morning, there is a library written in Python that handle Bluetooth connection for you already PyBluez
to install use sudo pip install pybluez
here is an example on how to use sockets to communicate with bluetooth devices

import bluetooth
bd_addr = "01:23:45:67:89:AB"
port = 1
sock=bluetooth.BluetoothSocket( bluetooth.RFCOMM )
sock.connect((bd_addr, port))

the complete guide is at Bluetooth Programming with PyBluez

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