Get Value of Span Tag Using Beautifulsoup

Finding a span tag with a 'variable'? but no class - Beautiful soup/Python

You can select a <span> element with a specific attribute (such as data-automation) by passing an attrs dict as a keyword argument to .find() or .find_all(). See the documentation.

To find <span>'s where data-automation has any value:

soup.find('span', attrs={'data-automation': True})

Where data-automation has a specific value:

soup.find('span', attrs={'data-automation': 'jobListingDate'})

Python 3 Beautifulsoup: Get span tag value with specific text which is also randomly placed within the html tree

Use regular expression.

import re

html='''<div class="sk-expander-content" style="display: block;">

<span>Third Party Liability</span>

<span>Fire & Theft</span>

<div class="sk-expander-content" style="display: block;">

<span>Fire & Theft</span>

<span>Third Party Liability</span>


soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

for item in soup.find_all(class_="sk-expander-content"):

for span in item.find_all('span',text=re.compile("€(\d+).(\d+)")):


Third Party Liability
Fire & Theft
Fire & Theft
Third Party Liability

If you want to get first node value.Then use find() instead of find_all().

import re

html='''<div class="sk-expander-content" style="display: block;">

<span>Third Party Liability</span>

<span>Fire & Theft</span>

<div class="sk-expander-content" style="display: block;">

<span>Fire & Theft</span>

<span>Third Party Liability</span>


soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

for span in soup.find(class_="sk-expander-content").find_all('span',text=re.compile("€(\d+).(\d+)")):

Get value from first span tag in beautifulsoup

try using a css selector,

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

print(soup.select_one("td > span").text)


How to get value inside span tag using beautiful soup 3

You can index the contents list print 'Contents:',tag.contents[0] or better just to pull the text from the td:

tags = soup('span')
for tag in tags:

Which using your link would give you:

('Contents:', u'100')
('Contents:', u'100')
('Contents:', u'97')
('Contents:', u'95')
('Contents:', u'95')
('Contents:', u'94')
('Contents:', u'93')
('Contents:', u'92')
('Contents:', u'84')
('Contents:', u'78')
('Contents:', u'78')
('Contents:', u'76')
('Contents:', u'69')
('Contents:', u'64')
('Contents:', u'60')
('Contents:', u'58')
('Contents:', u'53')
('Contents:', u'51')
('Contents:', u'49')
('Contents:', u'49')
('Contents:', u'45')
('Contents:', u'45')
('Contents:', u'45')
('Contents:', u'44')
('Contents:', u'39')
('Contents:', u'38')
('Contents:', u'37')
('Contents:', u'35')
('Contents:', u'34')
('Contents:', u'33')
('Contents:', u'32')
('Contents:', u'32')
('Contents:', u'30')
('Contents:', u'29')
('Contents:', u'28')
('Contents:', u'27')
('Contents:', u'21')
('Contents:', u'19')
('Contents:', u'16')
('Contents:', u'16')
('Contents:', u'15')
('Contents:', u'13')
('Contents:', u'13')
('Contents:', u'12')
('Contents:', u'11')
('Contents:', u'9')
('Contents:', u'6')
('Contents:', u'2')
('Contents:', u'1')
('Contents:', u'1')

The u just means you have unicode strings, you can call str(tag.text)) if you really want to remove it or if you want integers you will have to call int(tag.text)). Also I would recommend you upgrade to bs4.

Beautiful soup - Extract value from span class

Value 5.3% is in span tag with class attribute 'red'.

<span class="group_name">All Files</span>
(<span class="cover"><span class="red">5.3%</span></span>
covered at
<span class="cover_strength">
<span class="green"> 545 </span>
</span> hits/line)

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

result = soup.find("span", {"class": "red"})



Extract data from span, using BeautifulSoup, python

Using find_all method

You can use find_all() method to find the text content of html
and use just your own link

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

result = requests.get(yourUrl)
src = result.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(src, "html.parser")

tds = soup.find_all("td")

contents = []
for td in tds:
content = td.find("span", {"class":"sc-15yy2pl-0 hzgCfk"}).find("span", {"class":"icon-Caret-down"}).text

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