Formatting Timedelta Objects

Formatting timedelta objects

But I was wondering if I can do it in a single line using any date time function like strftime.

As far as I can tell, there isn't a built-in method to timedelta that does that. If you're doing it often, you can create your own function, e.g.

def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt):
d = {"days": tdelta.days}
d["hours"], rem = divmod(tdelta.seconds, 3600)
d["minutes"], d["seconds"] = divmod(rem, 60)
return fmt.format(**d)


>>> print strfdelta(delta_obj, "{days} days {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}")
1 days 20:18:12
>>> print strfdelta(delta_obj, "{hours} hours and {minutes} to go")
20 hours and 18 to go

If you want to use a string format closer to the one used by strftime we can employ string.Template:

from string import Template

class DeltaTemplate(Template):
delimiter = "%"

def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt):
d = {"D": tdelta.days}
d["H"], rem = divmod(tdelta.seconds, 3600)
d["M"], d["S"] = divmod(rem, 60)
t = DeltaTemplate(fmt)
return t.substitute(**d)


>>> print strfdelta(delta_obj, "%D days %H:%M:%S")
1 days 20:18:12
>>> print strfdelta(delta_obj, "%H hours and %M to go")
20 hours and 18 to go

The totalSeconds value is shown as 13374 instead of 99774. I.e. it's ignoring the "day" value.

Note in the example above that you can use timedelta.days to get the "day" value.

Alternatively, from Python 2.7 onwards, timedelta has a total_seconds() method which return the total number of seconds contained in the duration.

Python format timedelta object to datetime

Don't use str(...), but use datetime.strftime (the serializing counterpart to datetime.strptime deserialization) with your original format string:

new_datetime = datetime_obj + timedelta(days=1)

# 2020-11-16T00:00:00.000000Z

Is there a way to format a timedelta object to be hours-minutes-seconds.MILLISECONDS?

Given your initial code example, you could use something like this:

# From your example.
c = b - a

# Get the hours, minutes, and seconds.
minutes, seconds = divmod(c.seconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)

# Round the microseconds to millis.
millis = round(c.microseconds/1000, 0)

print(f"Doing <something> took {hours}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}.{millis}")

which results in

# c = datetime.timedelta(seconds=7, microseconds=319673)
Doing <something> took 0:00:07.320

Take a look at Python’s built-in functions round() and divmod() and please poke around this and this related thread; also, please read through this and this thread to learn more about formatting timedelta objects.

How Do I Format a pandas timedelta object?

See the function strfdelta(tdelta, fmt) provided as an answer to a related question:

Using strftime to format datetime.timedelta objects in a dictionary

NOTE: Your example dict contains both int values AND datetime.timedelta values. This is almost certainly not what you mean to do. Initialize your dict with datetime.timedelta() (a 00:00:00 delta) instead of with the value 0.

Instead of {'Monday': 0} you would store {'Monday': timedelta.datetime()}

d = {}
d['key1'] = datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=1, seconds=1)
d['key2'] = datetime.timedelta(hours=2, minutes=2, seconds=2)
d['key3'] = datetime.timedelta(hours=3, minutes=3, seconds=3)

-- print the values, rely on the default string representation of datetime.timedelta --

def serialize_dict(d):
for key,value in d.iteritems():
print '%s: %s' % (key,value)
# output:
# key3: 3:03:03
# key2: 2:02:02
# key1: 1:01:01

--or write to a file --

def serialize_dict(d):
with open('/tmp/output', 'w') as f:
for key, value in d.iteritems():
f.write('%s: %s\n' % (key, value))

How to format duration in Python (timedelta)?

You can do this by converting durationTime which is a datetime.timedelta object to a datetime.time object and then using strftime.

print datetime.time(0, 0, durationTime.seconds).strftime("%M:%S")

Another way would be to manipulate the string:

print ':'.join(str(durationTime).split(':')[1:])

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