Execute a File with Arguments in Python Shell

Execute a file with arguments in Python shell

execfile runs a Python file, but by loading it, not as a script. You can only pass in variable bindings, not arguments.

If you want to run a program from within Python, use subprocess.call. E.g.

import subprocess
subprocess.call(['./abc.py', arg1, arg2])

Python Shell running file.py with argument

Got it to work:

import runpy, sys

#argv[0] will be replaced by runpy

sys.argv = ['', 'datafile']

from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33259769/13840062

Starting a python shell with arguments

While is is questionable if passing commands line arguments to an interactive shell is best practice, it is indeed possible by passing - instead of the the scripts file name:

$ python - a1 a2
Python 2.7.14 (default, Sep 23 2017, 22:06:14)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.argv
['-', 'a1', 'a2']

Executing a shell script with arguments from a python script

You can use

subprocess.Popen(["bash", "pro.sh", "Argument1"])

If your string argument is multiple words, it should work fine.

subprocess.Popen(["bash", "pro.sh", "Argument with multiple words"])

As long as the multiple words are in one string in the list passed to subprocess.Popen(), it is considered one argument in the argument list for the command.

You should not use shell=True unless you have a good reason. It can be a security problem if you aren't very careful how it is used.

When running a python script in IDLE, is there a way to pass in command line arguments (args)?

It doesn't seem like IDLE provides a way to do this through the GUI, but you could do something like:

idle.py -r scriptname.py arg1 arg2 arg3

You can also set sys.argv manually, like:

sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'argument1', 'argument2', 'argument2']

(Credit http://wayneandlayne.com/2009/04/14/using-command-line-arguments-in-python-in-idle/)

Call Python script from bash with argument

To execute a python script in a bash script you need to call the same command that you would within a terminal. For instance

> python python_script.py var1 var2

To access these variables within python you will need

import sys
print(sys.argv[0]) # prints python_script.py
print(sys.argv[1]) # prints var1
print(sys.argv[2]) # prints var2

Passing arguments to Python from Shell Script

If there is space in between argument and argument is not in quotes, then python consider as two different arguments.

That's why the output of print data in the python code is just 1.

Check the below output.

[root@dsp-centos ~]# python dsp.py Dinesh Pundkar
In python code
[root@dsp-centos ~]# python dsp.py "Dinesh Pundkar"
In python code
Dinesh Pundkar
[root@dsp-centos ~]#

So, in your shell script, put $var1 in quotes.

Content of shell script(a.sh):

var1="Dinesh Pundkar"
python dsp.py "$var1"

Content of python code(dsp.py):

import sys
data = sys.argv[1]
print "In python code"
print data


[root@dsp-centos ~]# sh a.sh
In python code
Dinesh Pundkar

Python: executing shell script with arguments(variable), but argument is not read in shell script

The problem is with shell=True. Either remove that argument, or pass all arguments as a string, as follows:

Process=Popen('./childdir/execute.sh %s %s' % (str(var1),str(var2),), shell=True)

The shell will only pass the arguments you provide in the 1st argument of Popen to the process, as it does the interpretation of arguments itself.
See a similar question answered here. What actually happens is your shell script gets no arguments, so $1 and $2 are empty.

Popen will inherit stdout and stderr from the python script, so usually there's no need to provide the stdin= and stderr= arguments to Popen (unless you run the script with output redirection, such as >). You should do this only if you need to read the output inside the python script, and manipulate it somehow.

If all you need is to get the output (and don't mind running synchronously), I'd recommend trying check_output, as it is easier to get output than Popen:

output = subprocess.check_output(['./childdir/execute.sh',str(var1),str(var2)])

Notice that check_output and check_call have the same rules for the shell= argument as Popen.

Running a C executable from Python with command line arguments

The > that you use in your command is a shell-specific syntax for output redirection. If you want to do the same through Python, you will have to invoke the shell to do it for you, with shell=True and with a single command line (not a list).

Like this:

subprocess.run(f'/home/dev/Desktop/myfile "{inputFileName}" > "{outputFileName}"', shell=True)

If you want to do this through Python only without invoking the shell (which is what shell=True does) take a look at this other Q&A: How to redirect output with subprocess in Python?

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