Failed to Upload Packages to Pypi: 410 Gone

Failed to upload packages to PyPI: 410 Gone

Upgrade to the very latest pip and setuptools; install twine:

pip install -U pip setuptools twine

Edit ~/.pypirc and comment out or remove repository:


Use twine to upload your module to pypi from within the folder containing the module source,, and other files:

python sdist
twine upload dist/*


Can't upload package to PyPI anymore

It seems like the upload command is not supported anymore by Pypi API ...

If you want to upload your project to Pypi use Twine.
The documentation is available here

Can't upload to PyPi with Twine

EDIT: if you're using Windows, check my other suggestion

It looks like some sort of error with the account I was using. The following steps fixed it for me:

  1. Create a new account
  2. Upload the package with the new account with twine upload dist/*
  3. Add the previous account (that you originally wanted to upload with) to the package as an owner

Also be aware that the test pypi server --repository-url, requires a different account to be created from the live server --repository-url

Not able to upload package in

After a lot of trial and error, I found the simple solution. Also, @hoefling answer helps me to solve them.

Register as a user in and use register account command which mentioned in the question.

Now, Three magic steps which will resolve the issue.

pip install twine

python sdist

# This will ask for you username and password
twine upload dist/*


If you want to upgrade your package, just follow the below simple steps:

  1. Delete the build, dist, and <package name>.egg-info folders in your root directory.
  2. Change the version number in your file.
  3. Create distribution again. e.g: python sdist bdist_wheel
  4. Upload distribution again. e.g: twine upload dist/*

PyPi Test Permanent Redirect

I found I had to create an account in the pypi test server

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