Django, Creating a Custom 500/404 Error Page

Django 3.x - Custom Error Page is showing a 500 when it should be a 404

Figured it out. Thanks ya'll.

There was an error in the function I was using to grab the page. I wasn't checking to see if the URL was valid when looking up a particular wiki entry.

Changing entry_page in to this made it work!:

def entry_page(request, entry):                              
if entry in util.list_entries():
name = entry # Places the title
text = util.get_entry(entry) # Grabs the entry using the util function
html = md_converter(text)
return render(request, "encyclopedia/entry.html", {
"title": name,
"entry": html
return render(request, "encyclopedia/error_404.html" )

Glad it wasn't Django messing up, just me lol

Want to generate Custom 404/500 error page in django app

It will work when you make DEBUG = False, and do not forget to add ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '']

Django, custom error pages redirects to 500 instead of 404

This question is three months old but for the community this is how I solved this:

The 404-page-not-found-view needs an "exception" argument:

def error_404(request, exception):
return render(request,'myapp/404.html', status = 404)

The default 404 view will pass two variables to the template:
request_path, which is the URL that resulted in the error, and
exception, which is a useful representation of the exception that
triggered the view (e.g. containing any message passed to a specific
Http404 instance).


I'm Django-noob but I suppose that without this argument the 404 trigger a 500.

One more thing: It works for me without the import : "from django.conf.urls import handler404, handler500"

Common 404 & 500 Page for My Django Project having multiple application

In your templates directory create templates custom404.html and custom500.html

Add this to your at the bottom if application specific or in where you include urls to other apps

handler404 = 'custom_views.handler404'
handler500 = 'custom_views.handler500'

And define views like this in custom_views file in root once

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response

def handler404(request, *args, **kwargs):
response = render_to_response('custom404.html', context = {})
response.status_code = 404
return response

def handler500(request, *args, **kwargs):
response = render_to_response('custom500.html', context={})
response.status_code = 500
return response

This will route your 404,500 url to the template views there your are building a template and rendering it

Using static files in custom 404/500 pages in Django

Here's how I would do it:

# urls or settings
handler500 = 'mysite.views.server_error'

# views
from django.shortcuts import render

def server_error(request):
# one of the things ‘render’ does is add ‘STATIC_URL’ to
# the context, making it available from within the template.
response = render(request, '500.html')
response.status_code = 500
return response

It's worth mentioning the reason Django doesn't do this by default:

“The default 500 view passes no variables to the 500.html template and is rendered with an empty Context to lessen the chance of additional errors.”

-- Adrian Holovaty, Django documentation

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