Convert Python Datetime to Epoch with Strftime

Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

If you want to convert a python datetime to seconds since epoch you could do it explicitly:

>>> (datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()

In Python 3.3+ you can use timestamp() instead:

>>> datetime.datetime(2012,4,1,0,0).timestamp()

Why you should not use datetime.strftime('%s')

Python doesn't actually support %s as an argument to strftime (if you check at it's not in the list), the only reason it's working is because Python is passing the information to your system's strftime, which uses your local timezone.

>>> datetime.datetime(2012,04,01,0,0).strftime('%s')

Python datetime to epoch

Try this:

d=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

def unix_time_millis(dt):
return (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000


Let me know if that helps!

Convert date in words to epoch time stamp in python

With the input from the comment you could try:

from datetime import datetime

dates = {'Date': ['May 01, 2022', 'Apr 30, 2022', 'Apr 29, 2022', 'Apr 28, 2022', 'Apr 27, 2022']}
dates['Date'] = [
datetime.strptime(date, "%b %d, %Y").timestamp() for date in dates['Date']

Convert a set datetime to epoch time

I suggest you the following solution:

import datetime

today =
today_morning = today.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
epoch = int(today_morning.timestamp())


Converting Epoch time into the datetime

To convert your time value (float or int) to a formatted string, use:

import time

time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(1347517370))

For example:

import time

my_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(1347517370))


How can I convert a datetime object to milliseconds since epoch (unix time) in Python?

It appears to me that the simplest way to do this is

import datetime

epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)

def unix_time_millis(dt):
return (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0

How to convert current date to epoch timestamp?

That should do it

import time

date_time = '29.08.2011 11:05:02'
pattern = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S'
epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(date_time, pattern)))
print epoch

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