Can You Give a Django App a Verbose Name for Use Throughout the Admin

Can you give a Django app a verbose name for use throughout the admin?

Django 1.8+

Per the 1.8 docs (and current docs),

New applications should avoid default_app_config. Instead they should require the dotted path to the appropriate AppConfig subclass to be configured explicitly in INSTALLED_APPS.


# ...snip...

Then alter your AppConfig as listed below.

Django 1.7

As stated by rhunwicks' comment to OP, this is now possible out of the box since Django 1.7

Taken from the docs:

# in yourapp/
from django.apps import AppConfig

class YourAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'yourapp'
verbose_name = 'Fancy Title'

then set the default_app_config variable to YourAppConfig

# in yourapp/
default_app_config = 'yourapp.apps.YourAppConfig'

Prior to Django 1.7

You can give your application a custom name by defining app_label in your model definition. But as django builds the admin page it will hash models by their app_label, so if you want them to appear in one application, you have to define this name in all models of your application.

class MyModel(models.Model):
class Meta:
app_label = 'My APP name'

verbose name app in django admin interface

Since django 1.7 app_label does not work. You have to follow instructions.
That is:

  1. Create in your app's directory
  2. Write verbose name :

    # myapp/

    from django.apps import AppConfig

    class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'myapp'
    verbose_name = "Rock ’n’ roll"
  3. In the project's settings change INSTALLED_APPS :

    # ...

    Or, you can leave myapp.appsin INSTALLED_APPS and make your application load this AppConfig subclass by default as follows:

    # myapp/

    default_app_config = 'myapp.apps.MyAppConfig'

alles :)

How do I change the colum name of model in Django Admin?

You can use verbose_name in your model itself without affecting your database or any other function. Like this column_name = models.CharField(verbose_name="name you desire") and that will change the name of your column in django admin for you.

In your case you use the following code:

class contactEnquiries(model.Models):
cn_name = models.CharField(verbose_name="Name", your other config)

#your all other columns here and you can user verbose_name in all your model columns.

You can read the documentation here:

Is it possible to rename the application's group name in Django?

You can do that in the verbose_name [Django-doc] of the AppConfig:

# app_name/

from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
verbose_name = _('My verbose name for the app')

In the of the app, you then specify this as the default AppConfig for that app:

# app_name/

default_app_config = 'app_name.apps.MyAppConfig'

How to set verbose_name for external app model in Django?

You almost got it right. For your changes on the proxy model to take effect you need to unregister the model from admin site first and then register the proxy model.

The example below is for social_django.Association model.

from django.contrib import admin
from social_django.admin import AssociationOption
from social_django.models import Association

class AssociationProxy(Association):
class Meta:
proxy = True
verbose_name = 'custom model'
app_label = 'social_django', AssociationOption)

This assumes you are using the default admin site

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [

How to display multi-word app names properly (i.e. with spaces) in Django admin?

unfortunately, afik, django doesn't really support the notion of "verbose names" for apps. The admin just does app_name.title(). So to get want you want, some more trickery is needed. Haven't tried (never needed this) but this solution may just work.

Django always capitalizes a model's verbose name in admin index page

It's not that easy...

  • Make a copy of the admin/index.html template to your
  • Create your own template filter: lowerfirst_if_starts_with_v in your
    own templatetags/ directory
def lowerfirst_if_starts_with_v(value):
"""Lowercase the first character of the value."""
return value and value[0] =='v' and value[0].lower() + value[1:]
  • Load it in the index.html
{%load my_special_thing%}
  • Apply it to index.html on line 23
<th scope="row"><a href="{{ model.admin_url }}"> \
{{|lowerfirst_if_starts_with_v }}</a></th>

And done.

Styling HTML for model property with verbose name in Django admin

You are missing the @property decorator

checkout this answer
and the documentation

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