Proxy Awareness with Pip

Proxy awareness with pip

If you know your proxy information, you can pass that to your command line:

pip install --proxy=user:pass@server:port numpy

A full string could be something as simple as:

pip install --proxy= numpy

Where is your (corporate) proxy server. You only need to pass user:pass and port if the proxy also requires that information.

How to use pip on windows behind an authenticating proxy

I have tried 2 options which both work on my company's NTLM authenticated proxy.
Option 1 is to use --proxy http://user:pass@proxyAddress:proxyPort

If you are still having trouble I would suggest installing a proxy authentication service (I use CNTLM) and pointing pip at it ie something like --proxy http://localhost:3128

Python - Pip Install - Proxy Error - 'Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError'

Use the following code

pip install --trusted-host --trusted-host datetime

You can change datetime with the name of any package you want.

How to configure PIP per config file to use a proxy (with authentification)?

Here are the steps how to configure proxy (with auth.) in pip's config file (pip.ini)

  1. (if it does not already exist) Create a folder named 'pip' and inside it a file named 'pip.ini' as described here: (location an name may differ per platform - e.g. on Windows it's %APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini)
  2. edit pip.ini file and add

    proxy = http://user:password@proxy_name:port
  3. That's it!

Example for proxy with authentification (user + password):

proxy = http://butch:secret@proxyname:1234

proxyname can be an IP adress, too

Example for proxy without auth.:

proxy = http://proxyname:1234

pip install using proxy in a virtual environment

Meanwhile, I know the solution. pip needs the environment variable HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY in capital letters, instead of http_proxy.
So append below text pattern at the end of your your '~/.bashrc'


Then, run source ~/.bashrc
Now you can install all python packages using pip in your Ubuntu VM with proxy login.

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