Calling a Python Script from Command Line Without Typing "Python" First

Python script with arguments from command line without typing Python

You need to add .py to the PATHEXT environment variable. In PowerShell, do:

$ENV:PATHEXT += ";.py"

Calling a python script from command line without typing python first

You can prepend a shebang on the first line of the script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

This will tell your current shell which command to feed the script into.

how to run python script without typing 'python ...'

You've got to add the shebang:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Then make the script executable:

chmod +x foo

Then you can run it like any other executable:


And a note from Homer6: if you're editing the file from windows and invoking it on linux, you may run into the cryptic "No such file or directory" error. It's due to the line endings of the lines being CRLF instead of LF. If you convert them to LF, the script will execute as expected. Notepad++ > View > Show Symbols > Show End of Line to show the EOL characters. And Notepad++ > Edit > EOL Conversion > Unix Format to convert all line endings to use LF. Alternatively, you can use the dos2unix tool (dos2unix, which is present on most Linux systems.

How do i run a python program just by typing the script name on windows 10 cmd line?

I think what you want is to run the file '' without invoking the keyword python that is:


instead of


the way to do that in Linux or macOS is simple enough, you can add

#!/usr/bin/env python

to the top of the file, rename your file from to mapIt
make the script executable:

chmod +x mapIt

But for windows there is no straightforward solution.

One way you can do it is convert the file into an exe or

first add a python.exe association for all '.py' files

> assoc .py=Python

and then

> ftype Python="<path of your python.exe>" "%1" %*

replace the text in angular brackets (<>) with the path of your python.exe file.

How to run a python file (.py) from the windows command-line without having to type python first?

The problem that you are facing is the fact that your python application is not actually an application. It is an interpreted script. This is because Python is an Interpreted Language.

This would be similar to you have a Word or Excel document. These are interpreted by their applications: Word and Excel, respectively. The operating system knows what application to use to interpret them using the registered associated programs.

The official Python FAQs explains this here:

Run Python code without using python and ./name

I have found a way to solve this. I still include the shebang #!/usr/bin/env python3.6 at the top of Python script. Then I would go to cd /etc->sudo nano bash.bashrc, and at the very last line, all I did was add a line (alias nameofscript = "./nameofscript"). From there I restarted my Ubuntu, and was able to run my Python script just by the name of the script. Thank you everyone for the help.

Running python scripts on windows 10 cmd just by typing python

dpath is the equivalent to path for data files. Type dpath /? note it was once called append and the help hasn't been updated.

That answers your question as you've asked.

Perhaps you should have asked how do I just type my script name?


associate .py with the python interpreter.

Use commands ftype and assoc

ftype PythonScript=c:\pathtofolder\python.exe %*

assoc .py=PythonScript

Then add your SCRIPT path to the path command

Setx path "%path%;C:\MyPythonScriptFolder"

Set path=%path%;C:\MyPythonScriptFolder"

Then tell windows command prompt to assume .py files are executable so it will search the path for it.

Set pathext=%pathext%;.py

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