After Anaconda Installation, Conda Command Fails With "Importerror: No Module Named Conda.Cli"

After Anaconda installation, conda command fails with ImportError: no module named conda.cli

When you were installing it, you missed a section. When conda asked you if it can set your .bashrc file, you probably clicked NO. It's a simple fix: fire up your interpreter and add this line:

export PATH=/home/add your username here/anaconda/bin:$PATH

Now type python into the interpreter and you will see Anaconda 1.8.0 or whatever version you have. You will have to do this each time you start a new interpreter.


miniconda3: ImportError: No module named conda.cli

Definitely not an optimal answer, but I solved the issue by re-installing completely miniconda3 (I am on macOSX).

I uninstalled miniconda3 by removing the folder with

rm -r ~/miniconda3/

And resinstalled it:

Anaconda: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda'

I solve this problem installing the version 4.6.14 of conda as suggested on this issue 9004 before perform further installs.

conda install conda=4.6.14

It looks like further versions of conda are introducing this error.

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