When Do I Use the PHP Constant "PHP_Eol"

When do I use the PHP constant PHP_EOL?

Yes, PHP_EOL is ostensibly used to find the newline character in a cross-platform-compatible way, so it handles DOS/Unix issues.

Note that PHP_EOL represents the endline character for the current system. For instance, it will not find a Windows endline when executed on a unix-like system.

\n vs. PHP_EOL vs. br?

DOS, Unix, and Mac (pre-OS X and OS X) all use different characters or character combinations to represent "go to the next line."

  • DOS - Uses a CR+LF (that's ASCII 13 followed by an ASCII 10, or \r\n) to represent a new line.

  • Unix - Uses an LF (that's ASCII 10, or \n) to represent a new line.

  • Mac (pre-OS X) - Uses a CR (that's ASCII 13, or \r) to represent a new line.

  • Mac (OS X) - Like Unix, uses an LF to represent a new line.

Therefore, when to use each one depends on what you're going for. If you're writing for a specific platform without the intention of portability, use the character or character combination to break lines that matter to that platform. The purpose of PHP_EOL is to automatically choose the correct character for the platform, so that your new lines are platform-independent.

All of these appear as a single space within a browser as browsers collapse whitespace into a display space for display purposes (unless you're using <pre> as you mentioned, or CSS that changes the behavior of whitespace). This is where <br> comes in, as you've mentioned, which will convert these \n new line characters into <br> so that they provide line breaks in HTML display.

constant like PHP_EOL for tabulation php

Ok I found solution

chr(9) wrote tabulation to output file


When do I use PHP_EOL instead of \n and vice-versa ? Ajax/Jquery client problem

The constant PHP_EOL should generally be used for platform-specific output.

  • Mostly for file output really.
  • Actually the file functions already transform \n ←→ \r\n on Windows systems unless used in fopen(…, "wb") binary mode.

For file input you should prefer \n however. While most network protocols (HTTP) are supposed to use \r\n, that's not guaranteed.

  • Therefore it's best to break up on \n and remove any optional \r manually:

    $lines = array_map("rtrim", explode("\n", $content));

    Or use the file(…, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) function right away, to leave EOL handling to PHP or auto_detect_line_endings.

  • A more robust and terser alternative is using preg_split() and a regexp:

    $lines = preg_split("/\R/", $content);

    The \R placeholder detects any combination of \r + \n. So would be safest, and even work for Classic MacOS ≤ 9 text files (rarely seen in practice).

    Obligatory microoptimization note:

    While regex has a cost, it's surprisingly often speedier than manual loops and string postprocessing in PHP.

And there are a few classic examples where you should avoid PHP_EOL due to its platform-ambiguity:

  • Manual generation of network protocol payloads, such as HTTP over fsockopen().
  • For mail() and MIME construction (which really, you shouldn't do tediously yourself anyway).
  • File output, if you want to consistently write just Unix \n newlines regardless of environment.

So use a literal "\r\n" combination when not writing to files, but preparing data for a specific context that expects network linebreaks.

Why PHP_EOL is equal to 0?

What is the good way to remove every PHP_EOL without cutting off 0 ?

$value = rtrim($value, PHP_EOL);

See http://php.net/rtrim.

As for why PHP_EOL equals 0, see PHP type juggling, "String" == 0 and "String" == true.

What is the benefit of \n and PHP_EOL in PHP?

A web browser interprets the output of a PHP program as HTML, so \n and \r\n will not appear to do anything, just like inserting a newline in an HTML file. On the other hand, <br /> makes a new line in the interpreted HTML (hence "line BReak"). Therefore, <br /> will make new lines, whereas \r\n will not do anything.

Which is the correct way of using core predefined constant PHP_EOL inside a double quoted string and single quoted string?

echo "$people->john drank some $juices[0] juice.".PHP_EOL;

Here .(dot) works like it will first concatenate the total string then prints.

But comes to ,

echo "The character at index -2 is $string[-2].", PHP_EOL;

it won't concatenate. it will print one after other based on ,

PHP_EOL seems undefined

Use this:

$text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r"), ' ', $text)

This should cover all the cases regardless of where the system is hosted on.

You can rely on PHP_EOL if all the data is constructed in that OS that is manipulating it, otherwise it is best to use a specific newline character.

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