Using PHP Replace Regex with Regex

Using PHP replace regex with regex

$input_lines="any word here related to #English must #be replaced.";
preg_replace("/(#\w+)/", "<a href='bla bla'>$1</a>", $input_lines);



any word here related to <a href='bla bla'>#English</a> must <a href='bla bla'>#be</a> replaced.

Best practices for replacing regex pattern with other regex pattern in php

You can use

preg_replace('~\[test\|(\d+)]~', '<Test id="$1" />', $string)

See the regex demo. Details:

  • \[test\| - [test| substring
  • (\d+) - Capturing group 1: one or more digits
  • ] - a ] char.

If you need to match any text up to the first ] rather than just digits, replace \d+ with [^][]*.

See the PHP demo:

$string = "Cooking lessons\n\n[test|1]\n\n[test|2]";
echo preg_replace('~\[test\|(\d+)]~', '<Test id="$1" />', $string);


Cooking lessons

<Test id="1" />

<Test id="2" />

(PHP) Replace string of array elements using regex

This expression might also work:


which we can add more boundaries, and for instance validate the URLs, if necessary, such as:




$re = '/^http\K(?=:\/\/[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9_-]+)/si';
$str = ' ';
$subst = 's';

echo preg_replace($re, $subst, trim($str));


The expression is explained on the top right panel of, if you wish to explore/simplify/modify it, and in this link, you can watch how it would match against some sample inputs, if you like.

RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:

Sample Image

PHP replace string using overlapping regular expressions

It's because they don't run simultaneously, but in loop. And after first expression you end up with <b>a</b>bc so there is no more any abc for second expression to match.

It's simply as that. And that's good, because thanks to that you won't end with invalid markup. You will. Regex is serious problem with HTML or XML.

Use some DOM interpreter and library, like PHP's DOMDocument

PHP Regex replace all instances of a character in similar strings

Not as elegant but you could create a UDF:

function RemoveNestedQuotes($string)
$firstPart = explode(":", $string)[0];
preg_match('/"(.*)"/', $string, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$tmpString = $matches[1][0];
return $firstPart . ': "' . preg_replace('/"/', '', $tmpString) . '"';


$string = 'Data_83: "He said, "Yes!" to the question"';

echo RemoveNestedQuotes($string);

// Data_83: "He said, Yes! to the question"

PHP: Regex replace everything between to strings/HTML tags

The reason you're getting the error is because you've not escaped an opening [ character in your regular expression. Please see the [ I have marked below:

preg_replace('/\<p\>\[quote\]\<\/p\>[\s\S]+?\<p\>[\/quote\]\<\/p\>/', '', $string);

This has resulted in starting a character class that has not been closed. You should simply escape this opening brace like this:

preg_replace('/\<p\>\[quote\]\<\/p\>[\s\S]+?\<p\>\[\/quote\]\<\/p\>/', '', $string);

Simple PHP regex replace

Try this one. Here we are using preg_replace.

Search: /\.(\d+)\./ Added + for capturing more than one digit and changed capturing group for only digits.

Replace: .<BR>$1. $1 will contain digits captured in search expression.

Try this code snippet here

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$string = "1. Place pastry on microwave safe plate.2. Heat on high for 3 seconds.3. Cool briefly before handling.";
echo preg_replace("/\.(\d+)\./", ".<BR>$1.", $string);

PHP Regex Replace Subject while keeping case

If I had more time there might be a more elegant solution, but here's a start:

foreach ($delta as $k => $v) {
$pattern = '/\b(?<!\-)('.$k.')\b(?!-)/i';
$result = preg_replace_callback($pattern,
function($m) use($v){
return (ucfirst($m[1]) == $m[1]) ? ucfirst($v) : $v;
}, $str);

This will not account for all upper or mixed cases such as AUTHORIZE and authORize etc...

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