How to Read the Query String in PHP and HTML

How to read the query string in PHP and HTML?

var_dump( $_GET['key2'] );

How can I get parameters from a URL string?

You can use the parse_url() and parse_str() for that.

$parts = parse_url($url);
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
echo $query['email'];

If you want to get the $url dynamically with PHP, take a look at this question:

Get the full URL in PHP

Get URL query string parameters

$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] contains the data that you are looking for.


  • $_SERVER - Manual

How do I extract query parameters from a URL string in PHP?

You can use parse_url and parse_str like this:

$query = parse_url('', PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($query, $params);
$test = $params['test'];

parse_url allows to split an URL in different parts (scheme, host, path, query, etc); here we use it to get only the query (test=123&random=abc). Then we can parse the query with parse_str.

PHP Query String Parameter through link

you have to rewrite the url like : in first page. not that 'var'

"<a href=viewProductItem.php?skuCode=".$row["skuCode"].">View</a>"

when u click this link from first page . you can get this value in second page by

 $skuCode =mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['skuCode']);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM productItem WHERE skuCode = '".$skuCode."';";

and your modified code is : try this its working for you..
First page:


// Write a series of five PHP statements to retrieve the data for all product items in the database
// Write a statement to prepare the SQL SELECT statement
$sql = "SELECT skuCode, brand, model FROM productItem;";
// Write a statement to open a connection to MySQL server
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
// Write a statement to select the required database
mysql_select_db("is1112t4q3", $link);
// Write a statement to send the SQL statement to the MySQL server for execution and retrieve the resultset
$resultset = mysql_query($sql);
// Write a statement to close the connection

// Write a suitable expression for the while loop to iterate through each data row in the resultset.
// Each data row represents one product item that you need to display
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset))
// Write a echo command to display the summary information for each product item. The required attributes are
// indicated in the HTML table header row.
// The image that is displayed should be the first image of each product item, e.g., MP300001_1.jpg.
// The Action column should contain a hyperlink to viewProductItem.php where user can view the complete product information
// of the selected product item.
// You need to use a query string parameter to pass the SKU Code of the required product item to viewProductItem.php
"</td><td>"."<img src=images/".$row["skuCode"]."_1.jpg>".
"</td><td><a href=viewProductItem.php?skuCode=".$row['skuCode'].">View</a>".



second page:


// Complete the if expression using the isset function to determine whether the query string parameter skuCode has been provided
// Write a series of five PHP statements to retrieve the data for the selected product item from the database
// Write a statement to prepare the SQL SELECT statement. The SQL statement should have a WHERE condition
$sql = "SELECT * FROM productItem WHERE skuCode = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["skuCode"])."';";
// Write a statement to open a connection to MySQL server
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
// Write a statement to select the required database
mysql_select_db("is1112t4q3", $link);
// Write a statement to send the SQL statement to the MySQL server for execution and retrieve the resultset
$resultset = mysql_query($sql);
// Write a statement to close the connection

// The statement below will retrieve the first data row in the resultset.
// Note that we are only expecting at most one data row since we are filtering by the primary key skuCode
// mysql_fetch_array will an array of values corresponding to the fetched data row.
// If there is no matching data row, mysql_fetch_array will return FALSE
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset);

// Write a series of echo commands to print out the complete information of the selected product item using a HTML table
"</td><td>"."<img src=images/".$row["skuCode"]."_1.jpg>".
"</td><td><a href=viewProductItem.php>View</a>".

echo("<h3 style=\"color: red;\">Product item ".$_GET["skuCode"]." does not exist</h3>");

echo("<h3 style=\"color: red;\">No product item has been selected</h3>");

PHP Query String not Returning full text with $_GET

You forgot the quotes around your HTML value attribute resulting in only the content before the first space being displayed and the rest being ignored as useless HTML attributes.

echo '<label>Street Address</label><input name="address" type="text" value= "'.$_GET['address'].'"><br>';

FYI, I changed the way you used quotes to make this easier to read.

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