Url Rewriting-Code for Rewriting

ASP.NET Basic URL Rewriting or code in master page

You could redirect your previous URLs to a new location just using your web.config file.

This is an example of redirecting a URL to another location in the Web.config file:

<rule name="redirect to sign-in" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="previous-folder/SignIn.aspx"/>
<action type="Redirect" url="http://newWebSite.com/SignIn.aspx" redirectType="Permanent"/>

Is there something wrong with my rewrite code in .htaccess file

After a lot of painstaking experimentation the problem has at last been solved.

It seems that with the new iis8.5 server and Helion Ape I needed to put the rewrite rules into a web.config file instead of a .htaccess file.

The new rule for the example I gave in the question is:

<rule name="Imported Rule 6">
<match url="^uk-bed-breakfast-(.*)\.htm" ignoreCase="false" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/bed-and-breakfast/region.asp?county={R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />

Using this system the website is at last functioning correctly.

Many thanks to all who tried to help.


URL rewrite in ASP.net for multi language

Do you have access to a .htaccess file in your home directory? If so, you can make an automatic rewrite rule by writing the following

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /(.*)/contact-us/ /Pages/Contact.aspx?language=$1
RewriteRule /contact-us/ /Pages/Contact.aspx?language=en

Let me explain:

After RewriteRule, the user-friendly URL is on the left, here /(.*)/contact-us/ where (.*) is where jp will take place.
Then that jp is transposed on the real URL on the right, here /Pages/Contact.aspx?language=$1 to replace $1.

Input URL: http://www.example.com/jp/contact-us

Output URL: http://www.example.com/Pages/Contact.aspx?language=jp

For the second RewriteRule, as the URL http://www.example.com/contact-us/ does not match the first model, it will turn into http://www.example.com/Pages/Contact.aspx?language=en automatically.

Please remember that the .htaccess file MUST be in the root directory (alongside Pages folder). Otherwise you will not get the desired result.

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