PHP Remove JavaScript

PHP Remove JavaScript

this should do it:

echo preg_replace('/<script\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/script>/is', "", $var);

/s is so that the dot . matches newlines too.

Just a warning, you should not use this type of regexp to sanitize user input for a website. There is just too many ways to get around it. For sanitizing use something like the library

How to Remove JavaScript Remnants from String in PHP

Your javascript regex is off

you have:

$query_text_lower = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>.*?< *script[^>]*>/i", "", $new_text); 

You're not detecting </script> inside the returned document, so it's not removing the javascript code itself from the page, but when you call striptags, you are removing the tags, so they don't appear in your final output. However, I can't see the site you're pulling this from so I can't be 100% on that one.

Let me know if that makes sense. Basically, the way it looks to me is that your first regex isn't actually matching anything.

How do I strip all javascript out of an HTML document using PHP?

echo preg_replace('/<script\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/script>/is', "", $var); 

As shown here.

Remove JavaScript comments using Regex - PHP

Like you say, when you Minify your code using the function, all the HTML code be in single line, for that any code after a JS comments well be a comment to.
So You can use this PHP regex to remove inline JavaScript comment :

Your new function :

 public static function sanitize_output($buffer) {

$search = array(
'#^\s*//.+$#m', //remove JS comment,
'/ {2,}/',
'/<!--.*?-->|\t|(?:\r?\n[ \t]*)+/s'
$replace = array(
' ',
$buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);

return $buffer;

strip_tags, remove javascript

You can remove < script >...< /script > from your string before any calculations:

$text = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $text);

Or another solutions (slower, but sometimes more correct) from remove script tag from HTML content:

$doc = new DOMDocument();

// load the HTML string we want to strip

// get all the script tags
$script_tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('script');

$length = $script_tags->length;

// for each tag, remove it from the DOM
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {

// get the HTML string back
$no_script_html_string = $doc->saveHTML();

How to remove Javascript Tag from Posted Content

For removing tags, you can use preg_replace as

preg_replace("/<.*script.*>(.|\\n)*<\/script>/", "", $input_lines);

preg_replace("/<.*stylesheet.*>(.|\\n)*<\/stylesheet>/", "", $input_lines);

There is no need to escape < and > and you can use .* instead of (.*?)?. Also I am making it greedy for probable nested tags by using (.|\\n)* instead of (.|\\n)*?

Is there any way of stripping all javascript from a string in PHP?

That's how strip_tags works, eg:

$html = '<foo>hello<bar>world</bar></foo>';
$fixed = strip_tags($html, '<bar>');
echo $fixed;



It doesn't understand the DOM, it doesn't understand javascript. it's essentially doing:

$fixed = str_replace('<script>', '', $html);

The only "smarts" it has is recognizing that tags can have attributes and deleting those as well.

If you want to remove a tag and all of its contents, then you should be using a DOM parser, and deleting the unwanted nodes (aka tags) and their children from the tree entirely.

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