Symfony2 - How to Switch from "Dev" to "Prod"

symfony2 - how to switch from dev to prod?

By default, Symfony 2 is delivered with a demo bundle which is just accessible from the development environment.

The production environment doesn't contain any route, so it's normal you get a 404 error page.


Are you sure your bundle is enable in the AppKernel.php ?

If yes, clear the cache with the following command : ./app/console cache:clear

Check if the route is enable with the following command : ./app/console router:debug

Symfony change dev to prod

If you want to debug code in a production server, or something similar, I'd say there's at least a golden rule: Don't modify app_dev.php nor app.php. You can keep your prod env as usual, and meanwhile, you can run the webserver bundle with the corresponding environment (i.e. 'dev', you already have 'prod') and port. As you surely know, any changes in the code are compiled on-the-fly in dev, and in prod you have to clear the cache (and even give the proper webserver permissions). As far as I've understood, you don't want anything different to this, so I suggest revert the changes to the app*.php scripts and run the webserver bundle accordingly.

Moving app to production mode in Symfony 2

Couple more things to consider:

php app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug
php app/console assets:install web_directory
php app/console assetic:dump web_directory

You might also run into permission issues with the cache directory. I would actually first make sure everything works in development mode on the server before switching to production mode. And if all you get is blank screens in production mode then set debug to true. And of course know how to check your error logs.

Symfony2, How to change environment?

The two constructor arguments for Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel are $environment and $debug.

So, to answer your question directly, app.php already uses the production environment. You'll notice that app_dev.php instantiates the kernel like this

$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true); 

So, the environment name that you pass to the kernel constructor maps to the environment name you'd use in console commands (i.e., the --env).

Does that clear it up for you?

How to use symfony environments dev and prod

I think you have the following problems: regardless of which DirectoryIndex you define, the server also picks ups some settings from .htaccess. Could it be possible that you have another reference to app.php in there, like RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]?

Then you could do the following: move that exact setting from .htaccess to your server configuration, both locally and on the production server. Then you can keep all other settings independent from your enviroment.

If this does not help yet, please share the content of .htaccess.

Another way of solving could be to use a recent Symfony version and put everything that might change between environments in the .env file. Don't put it under version control, as this file might contain sensitive information. Then have a look at the current basics: you no longer have a app.php and app_dev.php, as the changes were only little. A common index.php is used, and it reads all current settings from .env

How to deploy symfony2 - my dev env works but not prod

In your production environment when you run the app/console cache:warmup command you need to make sure you run it like this: app/console cache:warmup --env=prod --no-debug Also, remember that the command will warmup the cache as the current user, so all files will be owned by the current user and not the web server user (eg: www-data). That is probably why you get a 500 server error. After you warmup the cache run this: chown -R www-data.www-data app/cache/prod (be sure to replace www-data with your web server user.

Make sure your parameters.ini file has any proper configs in place since its common for this file to not be checked in to whatever code repository you might be using. Or (and I've even done this) its possible to simply forget to put parameters from dev into the prod parmeters.ini file.

You'll also need to look in your app/logs/prod.log to see what happens when you attempt to login.

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