MySQL Database Won't Start in Xampp Manager-Osx

MySQL Database won't start in XAMPP Manager-osx

This should work:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start

Xampp Won't Startup MySQL server on Mac OSX?

you can check if any instance of mysql is running by executing in the terminal

sudo ps aux | grep mysql

this will list any processes that have mysql in their name.

_mysql          18943   0,0  0,5  2514608  20340 s008  S+    5:46am   0:00.07   /opt/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/opt/local --datadir=/opt/local/var/db/mysql5 --  user=_mysql --log-error=/opt/local/var/db/mysql5/Max-NB.local.err --pid-  file=/opt/local/var/db/mysql5/
root 18900 0,0 0,1 2439964 2592 s008 S+ 5:46am 0:00.15 /bin/sh /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe5
root 18899 0,0 0,1 2439396 2616 s008 S+ 5:46am 0:00.02 sudo mysqld_safe5

you may then terminate the process by executing

sudo killall mysqld_safe5

you should replace "mysqld_safe5" by the name of your mysql process. It is most likely "mysqld".

After that you could try to restart your server and check if it works.

XAMPP Errors on Mac OS X Mojave

The issue has to do with a quirk with Time Machine - it does not completely regenerate all recorded folders/files. A bit of a pain.

I was able to run XAMPP from the command line:

-> cd /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles
-> sudo ./xampp start

To check on MYSQL status:
-> mysql status -u [username] -p [password]

Issue resolved

XAMPP 7.2.10-0 - Application Manager (manager-osx) blank buttons

I've been having the same problem since upgrading to Mojave. I would suggest ditching the manager-osx app and just using the XAMPP command line app.

I no longer open and just do it all via terminal.

In terminal you can start your webserver with:

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp start

You may need to change the above path to match your installation.

You can see the status of your webserver with

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp status

You can get a list of commands by running

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp help

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