Storing Leading Zeros of Integers in MySQL Database as Integer

How to add zero before int in mysql

Don't store the zip codes as int.

Storing the zip-codes as varchar(10) or something like that will keep your zero padding and also cater for alphanumeric zip codes which may be used in some areas.

How can I store a number with a leading zero in mysql database?

Normally you'd use DECIMAL (aka NUMERIC), with a specified scale and precision, here are the docs for it. FLOAT should also work, but you need to be aware of floating point arithmetics quirks, so DECIMAL is preferred.

Here's a dbfiddle example

If you see your data as 0 then it's either an issue with how you're inserting (maybe importing from a file) or your client rounds it down to 0 and you need to tweak it. As you can see from the dbfiddle above, it works perfectly fine.

Keeping lead Zero in MySQL

Use sprintf to format your value:

$caption = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $_POST['dd'], $_POST['mm']);

The key here is to work with the data as strings and don't do math on it like -$_POST['mm'] which will treat it as a number. In numbers leading zeros are always omitted because they always exist. 10 is actually something like 0x0000000a as far as the CPU is concerned.

Allow number to start with ZERO when stored in mysql integer field

change data type to unsigned-zerofill whatever you are using, float, int, decimal(6,2)... only edit the field to unsigned-zerofill

MySQl leading zeros get stored but wrong display

PHP automatically converts string into number if you are performing any numerical operation on it. But you can keep the order number in integer form and pad it with zeroes when necessary:

str_pad($lastcode['folio']+1, 15, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

MySQL stripping off leading zero from integer column

You can't. Integer columns (bigint's) do not store leading zeros (ie. in a visual representation)

Rather than attempt to store a leading zero (by using a varchar field), have a view (or whatever) format the integer into a string in the format you require.

If you need to store something that is actually a string in the Domain model (e.g. a phone number), use a string rather than an integer type field.

Keeping leading zeros column Mysql

I don't know if it is a good answer, but I had to do this:

I had to put quotes in the column value using QUOTE() function because PHP becomes my values as a integers:

$sql = "SELECT QUOTE(id) AS id, name, last_name FROM pr_collaborator";

$result = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, Phalcon\DB::FETCH_ASSOC);


As you can see I can keep leading zeros in the query result because of quotes.

'id' : '000015',
'name': 'Jhon',
'last_name': 'Smith'
'id' : '002154',
'name': 'Maria',
'last_name': 'Sanchez'
'id' : '123456',
'name': 'Fabian',
'last_name': 'Sierra'
'id' : 'SE0012',
'name': 'Sarah',
'last_name': 'Taylor'
'id' : 'SE0015',
'name': 'Conny',
'last_name': 'Huertas'

Adding a leading zero to some values in column in MySQL

Change the field back to numeric and use ZEROFILL to keep the zeros


use LPAD()

SELECT LPAD('1234567', 8, '0');

why zero not going to database when its type integer?

Integers do not (cannot) have leading zeros. That is, both '099' and '99' represent the same numeric value1.

Use a char or varchar instead.

1 Sometimes a leading zero in the text-representation of a number specifies the [octal] base, but that is not the case here.

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