PHP to Check If a Url Contains a Query String

PHP to check if a URL contains a query string

For any URL as a string:

if (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY))

If it's for the URL of the current request, simply:

if ($_GET)

Check if url contains parameters

The URL parameters are received from a global variable called $_GET which is in fact an array. So, to know if a URL contains a parameter, you can use isset() function.

if (isset($_GET['yourparametername'])) {
//The parameter you need is present

Afterwards, you can create separate array of such parameter you need to attach to a URL. Like:

if(isset($_GET['param1'])) {
\\The parameter you need is present
$attachList['param1'] = $_GET['param1'];
if(isset($_GET['param2'])) {
$attachList['param2'] = $_GET['param2];

Now, to know whether or not, you need a ? symbol, just count this array

if(count($attachList)) {
$link .= "?";
// and so on


To know if any parameter is set, just count the $_GET

if(count($_GET)) {
//some parameters are set

check if a querystring exists, if not create one - PHP

Maybe there are plenty of ways. You can assign value to $_GET key if one does not exist. Or if you really need to query string, you can renavigate the user to the same page with present querystring.

if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
header("Location: Page.php?id=1");

It should be before any output in the page. So if user visits Page.php or Page.php? or Page.php?someDifferentParamThanId=10 it will return false on isset($_GET['id']) thus it will redirect to Page.php?id=1

How to check if url has no query string in jQuery?

You can use indexOf on the window.location.href to check if there is a ? character.

Note that you can name the jQuery instance provided to the document.ready handler as you need, so you can still use the $ variable within that function scope, even through the global $ no longer points to jQuery. Also, you can make your jQuery code more efficient by caching and re-using your selectors. Try this:

jQuery(function($) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf('?') == -1) { // no querystring exists
$('#login #user_login').attr('placeholder', 'Username').addClass('form-control');
$('#login #user_pass').attr('placeholder', 'Password').addClass('form-control');

$('#login #loginform label').wrap("<div class='input-group'></div>");

$('#login .form-control').each(function() {

$('#loginform .input-group > label').remove();

$('<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>').insertBefore('#user_login');
$('<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>').insertBefore('#user_pass');

Check in PHP if a specific query is in URL

Use array_key_exists to check queryA key present in $query array

$parts = parse_url('http://my url?queryA=valueA&queryB=valueB&queryC=valueC');
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
if (array_key_exists('queryA', $query)) {
echo "queryA element is in the array";

How to check the query string of my current url for a specific key-value pair?

You can access the Query parameters using the $_GET superglobal, In this case:

if(isset($_GET['special_offer']) && $_GET['special_offer'] == 12){ 
echo "Something";

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