Split Big Files Using PHP

Break A Large File Into Many Smaller Files With PHP

If your big file is in CSV format, I guess that you need to process it line by line and don't actually need to break it into smaller files. There should be no need to hold 5.000 or more lines in memory at once! To do that, simply use PHP's "low-level" file functions:

$fp = fopen("path/to/file", "r");

while (false !== ($line = fgets($fp))) {
// Process $line, e.g split it into values since it is CSV.
$values = explode(",", $line);

// Do stuff: Run MySQL updates, ...


If you need random-access, e.g. read a line by line number, you could create a "line index" for your file:

$fp = fopen("path/to/file", "r");

$index = array(0);

while (false !== ($line = fgets($fp))) {
$index[] = ftell($fp); // get the current byte offset

Now $index maps line numbers to byte offsets and you can navigate to a line by using fseek():

function get_line($number)
global $fp, $index;
$offset = $index[$number];
fseek($fp, $offset);
return fgets($fp);

$line10 = get_line(10);

// ... Once you are done:

Note that I started line counting at 0, unlike text editors.

How can I split a big XML file into smallers with PHP?

Please take a look at this article PHP XML Parsing

  1. SAX parsing
  2. XML Reader XMLReader Pull Parser

will be the best suited for this job

Read the above article try some code with it you will definitely get the answer for this

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