Passing a Boolean Value from Checkbox in Laravel Form

Passing a boolean value from checkbox in Laravel form

If I'm understanding the problem correctly, you can cast the attribute as a boolean in the model.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
protected $casts = [
'is_featured' => 'boolean',
'is_place' => 'boolean',

Then in your form you'll want to check that value to determine if the box is checked.

<input type="checkbox" name="is_featured" class="switch-input" value="1" {{ old('is_featured') ? 'checked="checked"' : '' }}/>

In your controller, you'll want to just check if the input is submitted. An unchecked input won't be sumitted at all.

$post->is_featured = $request->has('is_featured');

How to pass a boolean value in Laravel from a form to the Database?

Define an eloquent mutator like this in your model (\App\MyModelName.php):

public function setXXXAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['xxx'] = ($value=='on');

where "XXX" is the tame of the database column.

The attribute xxx will be set to true in case the value of the checkbox is 'on'

Error retrieving a checked Checkbox in Laravel as a boolean

1st way is send correct value from frontend side

you can add jquery or javascript at frontend side on change event of checkbox :

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="myCheckbox" />


at your backend side , now you can check :


2nd way is only check at your backend

you will get your checkbox value=on if it checked


you can use ternary condition as well , like :

$yourVariable = $request->input('checkbox')=='on' ? 1:0;

Checkbox in Laravel

Set the default value for your Checkbox to 0:

<input type="checkbox" name="is_active" value="0">

Next, handle this value in the back end:

$isActive = $request->input('is_active', 1);

This will result in 0 if it is checked, or 1 (the 2nd argument acts as a fallback) if you don't check it.

Lastly, assign it properly:



use Illuminate\Http\Request;

Route::post('/is_active/save', function (Request $request) {
$user = auth()->user();
$user->is_active = $request->input('is_active', 1);

return redirect('people');

With this code, if you don't check the checkbox, the user's is_active value will be set to 1. If you do check it, the value will be set to 0.

How to save a boolean value in Laravel 6?

You can check with the has method, if the value has been submitted and therefore you can insert true or false.

You can read it up here in the documenation:

So it has to be something like $request->has('wifi'). The has method will return true, if the value is present in the request. If this value is true, you can assign true to the field, otherwise false. This would be my approach.

If you need an example, you can look at this question Passing a boolean value from checkbox in Laravel 5.8 form

not getting checkbox element value from form

So I got this working in the end. Using help from the comments:

public function saveSettings(Request $request) {
$siteName = $request->input('siteName');
$showFooter = $request->has('showFooter');

ConfigHelper::setValue('site_name', $siteName);
ConfigHelper::setValue('show_footer_message', $showFooter);

return redirect()->route('admin.settings')->with('result', 'Settings saved.');

For some reason, using $request->input('showFooter') wasn't working properly. $request->get('showFooter') brings a result when true, so adding the ternary makes it work every time.

What's the best way / best practice to handle boolean in a Laravel 8 Request class?

Since you want to touch the request before the validation, you could make use of this method: prepareForValidation():

Prepare Input For Validation

If you need to prepare or sanitize any data from the request before
you apply your validation rules, you may use the prepareForValidation

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

* Prepare the data for validation.
* @return void
protected function prepareForValidation()
'slug' => Str::slug($this->slug),

So in your case you can do:

public function prepareForValidation()
'is_active' => $this->request->has('is_active')),

How to pass Checkbox value 0 if not checked and 1 if checked using array laravel

checkboxes are only posted when they are checked, so in controller you can use this fragment

public function updateMon(Request $request) {
'account' => 'required|array',
'account.*' => 'integer'

$myVar = isset($request->account[0]) ? 1 : 0;

laravel read a checkbox value in a controller

Please have a look on the [parameter list of the Form::checkbox() method][1].

The second parameter is your checkbox value. You manually set it to an empty string. Set it to null in order to keep the browsers default values (laravel default is 1). The third parameter is a boolean. Set it to true to check the box and false to uncheck it.

The fourth parameter is your options array where you can specify your id. So the correct method call should be:

{{Form::checkbox('remember_me', null, false, array('id'=>'remember_id'))}} 


Checkboxes that are not checked, will not be included in your POST data. So the only reliable way to verify that a checkbox has been checked is to check if it is set. That can be done using isset() with regular PHP functions, or if laravel is being used, by using Input::has() which returns a boolean dependent on whether your input data contains a given key.

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