Single Session Login in Laravel

Single Session Login in Laravel

I recently did this.

My solution was to set the session value when a user logs in. Then I had a small class checking if the session ID stored is the same as the current user who is logged in.

If the user logs in from somewhere else the session ID in the DB will update and the "older" user will be logged out.

I didn't alter the Auth driver or anything, just put it on top when the user logs in. Below happens when login is successful:

$user->last_session = session_id();

To check if the session is valid I used below

if(session_id() != Auth::user()->last_session){
return true;

As you can see I added a column in the users table called last_session

Laravel: Only allowing one session per user at a time

Yeah, I did similar for my project.

So, you need add to your user model another attribute in this case: last_sessid.

public function swapping($user) {
$new_sessid = \Session::getId(); //get new session_id after user sign in
$last_session = \Session::getHandler()->read($user->last_sessid); // retrive last session

if ($last_session) {
if (\Session::getHandler()->destroy($user->last_sessid)) {
// session was destroyed

$user->last_sessid = $new_sessid;

Now, if the user has an active session, and signs in another browser, the first session will be removed.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english :)

Restrict User to Single and Multiple Login in Laravel

I was able to solve it by creating a Session table

php artisan session:table

composer dump-autoload

php artisan migrate

Then in my controller

public function authenticated(Request $request,User $user)


{ //check if the user is logged in or not
$user = Auth::user();
// $login = Session::where('user_id', Auth::id())->count();
$login = DB::table('sessions')->where('user_id', Auth::id())->count();
// dd($login);
if ($user->isBasic())
if ($login > 0)
session()->flash('logout', "You are Logged in on other devices");
return redirect('login');

return redirect(route('welcome'));

elseif ($user->isCouple())
if ($login > 1)
session()->flash('logout', "You are Logged in on other devices");
return redirect('login');

return redirect(route('welcome'));

elseif ($user->isFamily())
if ($login > 5)
session()->flash('logout', "You are Logged in on other devices");
return redirect('login');

return redirect(route('welcome'));


return redirect(route('welcome'));

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