Utf-8 Special Characters Not Displaying

Special character not displaying as expected

1 - Replace your

<meta charset="utf-8">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

2 - Check if your HTML Editor's encoding is in UTF8. Usually this option is found on the tabs on the top of the program, like in Notepad++.

3 - Check if your browser is compatible with your font, if you're somehow importing a font. Or try and add a css to set your fonts to a default/generally accepted one like

font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

Hope it helps :)

utf-8 special characters not displaying

This is really annoying problem to fix but you can try these.

First of all, make sure the file is actually saved in UTF-8 format.

Then check that you have <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> in your HTML header.

You can also try calling header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); at the beginning of your PHP script or adding AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 to your .htaccess file.

Special characters not show correctly (CSS file, UTF-8)

The notation \f071 denotes U+F071, which is a Private Use codepoint. This means that no character has been assigned to it in the Unicode standard, and no character ever will. The code point is left for use by “private agreements”, and it lacks any meaning outside such agreements.

Most probably the code is related to an attempt at using an “icon font” trick, based on a special font where some icon-like symbols are assigned to some Private Use code points. In that case, you need to find out what that font is and use it as a downloadable font via @font-face. Alternatively, use images instead of “icon fonts”.

This does not depend on character encoding.

Special characters not showing on the web page after set to charset=UTF8

Run below query before executing actual query:

mysqli_query($con, 'SET names UTF8');

UTF-8 special characters don't show up

The character which you've there is the Unicode Character 'WHITE RIGHT POINTING BACKHAND INDEX' (U+1F449). On that page, you can find a list of known fonts supporting the character behind the link Fonts that support U+1F449.


Segoe UI Emoji

Segoe UI Symbol


Neither of those fonts is been used here on stackoverflow.com, so you'll also see an empty box.

If this occurs on your own website, and you'd like to fix it, then you'd need to supply a supporting font along with the webapp by CSS @font-face, or in this particular case perhaps better, look for a CSS based icon library such as Font Awesome. The <i class="fa fa-hand-o-right"> comes very close with this character.

Special Characters not displaying by using UTF-8

The character escape syntax in CSS uses just the backslash \ followed by hexadecimal digits and possibly a whitespace character. An X is neither needed nor allowed here. So a proper syntax using an escape would be

content: "\3E";

On the other hand, there is no need to escape the GREATER THAN character > in a CSS string, so you can write just

content: ">";

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