Sha-512 Library for PHP

SHA-512 library for PHP

If you are using PHP >= 5.3, the function openssl_digest should do the trick :

echo openssl_digest('glop', 'sha512');

gives me this output (splitted in two lines to get better readibility) :


(And you can use openssl_get_md_methods to get the list of available digest methods)

And with PHP 5.1 or 5.2, you have the hash function :

echo hash('sha512', 'glop');

gives me the same output (splitted, too) :


And, here, to know the list of available digest methods, you can use hash_algos

SHA512 hashes differ on android, php and javascript

SHA1 is not made for security, don't use it for this.
Grab any implementation of BCrypt and do security right.
As for the different hashes: Most likely an encoding issue related to Strings.

Similar sha512 of php for android password login

Can you try the code below. Did some minor changes in your code.

        String resultString         =   "";
try {
byte[] buffer = password.getBytes();
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
byte[] digest = md.digest();

for(int i = 0 ; i < digest.length ; i++) {
int b = digest[i] & 0xff;
if(Integer.toHexString(b).length() == 1)
resultString = resultString + "0";
resultString = resultString + Integer.toHexString(b);
} catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

SHA512 with salt for iOS

Your code has two problems:

  1. Your ObjC code appears to be calculating a SHA512 HMAC and your PHP code is calculating a SHA512 hash which are 2 different beasts. As far as I know [which is not far] the corresponding PHP code should be something like:

    hash_hmac('SHA512', '123',  '123' );
  2. The output for the above is still much longer that the ObjC code, ie:


    Which is 128 characters [512 bits] long and ostensibly the expected length from SHA512 function.

Java SHA512 digest output differs from PHP script

The first hash should be the same on the server and in Java. But then in the loop what gets appended to the digest is password{salt} in the PHP code, but only {salt} in the Java code.

Correctly using crypt() with SHA512 in PHP

The main reason to run the algorithm for a certain amount of rounds is simply to slow it down to make brute forcing attacks uninteresting. For that 5000 iterations are enough even for modern hardware. You could as well use 100000 but then your server admin would probably want to have a word with you :-)
rounds=5000 is the default for SHA-512. The minimum is 1000 and the maximum very high.

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