Sending Sms with Amazon Aws Services PHP

SenderID using Amazon Web Services PHP SDK

I found the solution. Set the args this way. It works!

$args = array(
'MessageAttributes' => [
'AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID' => [
'DataType' => 'String',
'StringValue' => 'YourSenderName'
"SMSType" => "Transactional",
"PhoneNumber" => "+87654321",
"Message" => "Hello World!"

How to set the from number on AWS SNS (Using PHP v3 SDK)

So the solutions to this, after much looking around and rubber ducking the problem while typing into the text box above, is to use a couple of different answers together. The Stack Overflow thread mentioned in prior research about setting the SenderID was very helpful to atleast getting the raw information into the AWS SDK.

$params = array(
'credentials' => array(
'key' => 'iam_key',
'secret' => 'iam_secret',
'region' => 'ap-south-1', // < your aws from SNS Topic region
'version' => 'latest',
'http' => ['verify'=>false]
$sns = \Aws\Sns\SnsClient::factory($params);

$msgattributes = [
'AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID' => [
'DataType' => 'String',
'StringValue' => 'Klassroom',
'AWS.SNS.SMS.SMSType' => [
'DataType' => 'String',
'StringValue' => 'Transactional',

$payload = array(
'Message' => "HK test",
"PhoneNumber" => "1234567890",
'MessageAttributes' => $msgattributes

$result = $sns->publish($payload);

If you scroll into the SMS Publish To Phone documentation, you'll see the string used above AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID and the next item down is ... AWS.MM.SMS.OriginationNumber ... So maybe that will work?


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Aws\Sns\SnsClient;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;

$SnSclient = new SnsClient([
'profile' => 'default',
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'version' => '2010-03-31'

$msgAttributes = [
'AWS.MM.SMS.OriginationNumber' => [
'DataType' => 'String',
'StringValue' => '+1XXXYYYZZZZ',

$message = 'This message is sent from a Amazon SNS code sample.';
$phone = '+1AAALLL####';

try {
$result = $SnSclient->publish([
'Message' => $message,
'PhoneNumber' => $phone,
'MessageAttributes' => $msgAttributes
} catch (AwsException $e) {
// output error message if fails

Note: Obviously, +1XXXYYYZZZZ is a number from my already established long code list, and just like before +1AAALLL#### is my phone number or the phone number of the person I want to send the text message to.

SenderID' issues sending SMS on Amazon SNS (Official PHP SDK)

I have found the answer.

The search system didn't materialise this originally, but finally, I have found it.


I found the solution. Set the args this way. It works!

$args = array(
'MessageAttributes' => [
'AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID' => [
'DataType' => 'String',
'StringValue' => 'YourSenderName'
"SMSType" => "Transactional",
"PhoneNumber" => "+87654321",
"Message" => "Hello World!"

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