Strategy to Override a Class in a Library Installed with Composer

Strategy to override a class in a library installed with Composer

In composer.json, under ["autoload"]["psr-4"], add an entry with namespace as the key and path as the value:

"autoload": {

"psr-4": {

"BuggyVendor\\Namespace\\": "myfixes/BuggyVendor/Namespace"

Copy files you want to override under that path (keeping sub-namespace directory structure) and edit them there. They will be picked in preference to the library package's original "classpath". It would seem that namespace->path mappings added to composer.json in this manner are considered before those added by required packages. Note: I just tried it and it worked, though I don't know if it is an intended feature or what possible gotchas are.

EDIT: found a gotcha. Sometimes when you subsequently require another package with composer require vendor/package, you will "lose" the override. If this happens, you must issue composer dump-autoload manually. This will restore the correct autoload order honoring your override.

How to override a Laravel package function

You can try following :

Step 1:

Create a child class extending SEOMeta class and override the getCanonical function.

Class XyzSEOMeta extends SEOMeta {
public function getCanonical () {
// Write your logic here

Step 2:

Create the Service Provider for overridden class. First parameter of bind function must be same as facade accessor of SEOMeta Facade (check here). Register this facade in config/app.php after the service provider of seotools package. :

Class XyzSEOMetaServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register(){
$this->app->bind('seotools.metatags', function(){
return new XyzSEOMeta($this->app['config']);

You are all set. Hope this will help.


Above mention method will just override the single class. If you want to change the logic of more than one class. Best way is to fork the project. Change the code and push it to your fork. Use forked project as your composer dependency. Follow the link to know how to use private repository as composer dependency :

Laravel 6-7 How Can I Override/Change a Vendor Class?

I resulted to using composer to ovveride the file instead, as my previous method was not working whatsoever. Here is what I did.

Firstly, in the autoload section of the composer.json file I added this:

"exclude-from-classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"Illuminate\\": "app/Overrides/"

Next I created the Ovverides folder in the app folder and then I copied the CompiledRouteCollection.php file and pasted it inside of the Ovverides folder.

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