Send Post Data via Raw JSON with Postman

Send POST data via raw JSON with Postman

Unlike jQuery in order to read raw JSON you will need to decode it in PHP.

print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));

php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body.

$_POST is form variables, you will need to switch to form radiobutton in postman then use:


To post raw json with jquery:

"url": "/rest/index.php",
'data': JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'}),
'type': 'POST',
'contentType': 'application/json'

How to Send file and data via raw JSON from Postman

Here is an example using @ModelAttribute:

  • DTO
    Sample Image

  • ControllerSample Image

  • Postman UISample Image

Postman: POST request of nested JSON via form-data not working (while via raw-data ok)

I managed to make it work! (note: I added some additional fields compared to the screenshot in question. See below for details:

Sample Image

Why simple json request body in Postman is not working

Sample Image

You have copied the json body from browser or other non standard text editor so the asci character for "," is not the actually one. it got resolved into something else . Just delete it and replace that comma and double quotes with correct correctors.

"tg_chat_id": "5"

Also in postman you can press ctrl+b to format and remove space , (that's not the reason for error though)

Send POST data with raw json with postman Express

It seems like you're passing an invalid value to res.JSON(). Try:

return res.json(data);

Postman send both data in json and image

To send image and data using Postman you have to use form-data content type.

Select body => form-data. Column key has a selector. For a file select file-type and select file. To send data in the same time you will have to separate your json in key value pair.

And remove [FromBody] attribute from the action. It is only used for Content-Type: application/json, but yours Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

How to upload a file and JSON data in Postman?

In postman, set method type to POST.

Then select
Body -> form-data -> Enter your parameter name (file according to your code)

On the right side of the Key field, while hovering your mouse over it, there is a dropdown menu to select between Text/File. Select File, then a "Select Files" button will appear in the Value field.

For rest of "text" based parameters, you can post it like normally you do with postman. Just enter parameter name and select "text" from that right side dropdown menu and enter any value for it, hit send button. Your controller method should get called.

How to send post request to the below post method using postman rest client

  1. Open Postman.
  2. Enter URL in the URL bar http://{server:port}/json/metallica/post.
  3. Click Headers button and enter Content-Type as header and application/json in value.
  4. Select POST from the dropdown next to the URL text box.
  5. Select raw from the buttons available below URL text box.
  6. Select JSON from the following dropdown.
  7. In the textarea available below, post your request object:

    "title" : "test title",
    "singer" : "some singer"
  8. Hit Send.

  9. Refer to screenshot below:
    Sample Image

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